Author Topic: Fischer RX 8 info...I think  (Read 832 times)


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Re: Fischer RX 8 info...I think
« on: September 16, 2006, 06:21:11 am »
Hmmm...Titanium Carbon Fiber or Laminated Wood Core...that spells out the primary? construct difference between the 2005-2006 RX8 and the 2006-2007 RX8.

Not sure if this helps anyone, but it's the most info I could get short of actually holding the 2 skies side by side.


Great info. The difference in appearance between the old cap RX8 and the laminate Worldcup RC is very obvious. The vertical sidewall forms a sharp 90 degree angle where it meets the top sheet on the laminate RC. I'll have to take a look at the new RX models at retail ASAP.

I know that it's possible to put a cosmetic "cap" topsheet on a laminate ski, but now that laminate construction is a selling point, I would expect a laminate construction Fischer RX8 to look like the older laminate Fishers. In-fact the bright yellow sidewalls on my RC make a clear statement.


« Last Edit: September 16, 2006, 06:33:31 am by Barrettscv »