Author Topic: 2014 Ski Outing  (Read 1512 times)


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2014 Ski Outing
« on: November 02, 2013, 12:37:35 pm »
How about trying to select a date and place we can set up a 3 day ski outing...east coast style!

Okemo is very assessible...Februa ry could be a good month for snow.
It would be fun to rent a house for all....cook and share some great meals and fun turns.

Any thoughts gang?


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Re: 2014 Ski Outing
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2013, 07:25:53 pm »
Love the idea, but my weekends are limited.

how about combining with Dan Boisvert's outing?
A realskiers/northeast pmts meet up.

Most of the attendees have been realskier participants.

I think that Dan is thinking of Maine this Meputs urging.
 A longish drive though.

Any thoughts?
"Play it Sam"


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Re: 2014 Ski Outing
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2013, 06:52:38 am »
Great idea, and, one that I would try very hard to attend. I'll be in the west the first week of Feb. and Presidents weekend would not be a great choice. We also could consider doing it at Liam's home mountain, Berkshire East, which is a shorter drive for many. Would be nice to finally get to meet and ski with him.


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Re: 2014 Ski Outing
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2013, 12:24:17 pm »
I'm planning for Maine this year--Sugarloaf and Saddleback, likely in early March (should be more snow and a little less cold than February).  I'm thinking 2 days at Sugarloaf and 1 at Saddleback.

Everybody is welcome to attend.  The shindig is a social event, so don't let it being nominally PMTS turn you off; all are welcome.  After the benediction and prayers toward Dumont are done, it's just a normal ski weekend with a bunch of random people..   ;D

I haven't been reading much here due to frustrations with server slowdowns, but I'll try to post up when the dates are finalized.


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Re: 2014 Ski Outing
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2013, 04:57:13 am »
Well,  I'd love to have people come up and ski Berkshire East.  We have had some huge (for us) expansions this season.  New snowmaking on several trails, A huge expansion to the lodge.  Plus, B'East has a wind turbine and a big solar field, they produce over 160% of the energy they need and are selling it back to the grid to offset courses.  The ticket prices, for what you get, are still among the best (though, not Cheap on a weekend, but comparatively cheap).  Weekday skiing is even better-you'll feel like you own the mountain and the price is phenomenal.  I can meet up on Fridays usually no problem and Mondays often.

It's the best little mountain in the east.  I'll stand by that.  I enjoy hosting people.  My work day is Sunday (I usually have free time) and I ski of Saturday with a jacket but no responsibilities other than injuries and emergencies,

If you come up?check the race schedule, as Race days do impact the overall quality of the ski experience for non racers.  If you need recommendations on places to stay,  can be a big help there as well.

That said, Sugarloaf and Saddleback are wonderful, much bigger, and pretty burly Maine mountains.  I had the best turns of the season last season at Saddleback and would go back in a heartbeat.

I have skied once with Dan Boisvert on the back end of his first PMTS meet up at Magic Mountain in VT--it was a day it RAINED everywhere else, but magic picked up a delightful 9 inches of dense snow.  magic is really an expert's mountain when the snow is in. 

He's a nice guy, good to ski with and has that social camaraderie that makes skiing a great least that was my impression of him.

It's coming..Jay Peak has already picked up snow in the multiple feet range...
« Last Edit: November 05, 2013, 05:36:05 am by Liam »


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Re: 2014 Ski Outing
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2013, 07:59:08 am »
Hey gang....I know those are awesome resorts...however.. .driving from upstate's 10 and 12 hours to get to each.

Anything more central where we could all do a bit of driving to make it easier for all?
