Greetings from Montana. Both High Angles and I are in Big Sky and had a great sunny day at Tuesday. But, let me start at the beginning.
Skied Fri and Sat at Jackson Hole. Friday was in fresh and broken powder with flat light. I had forgotten just how steep the blue trails are there, let alone the expert ones. Looking back at some of the pitches from below and after skiing them, wow, it's steep by my eastern standards...and they are the blue trails. Jackson shows the weakness of my skiing. I simply don't get to ski crud, bumps, trees, combined with flat light, my technique breaks down quickly. Mostly, it gets killed by lack of confidence. Still, it/s great to be there. Saturday was a bluebird and JH groomed the the front faces, so, it became a great cruiser day. Legs are feeling well spent by days end.
Monday, skied Bridger Bowl, which is just north ob Bozemon Mt. It's a great little gem of a western ski area. Great terrain for all levels and some really steep stuff for those interested ( read not for me!) The Epic gang seperates into smaller groups of like ability, fun to ski with. Not a cloud in the sky all day, never saw such a blue sky.
Tuesday is first of the Big Sky days. Warmed up on some magnificent cruisers covered with a dusting of new snow. The Epic group makes a couple of runs together and it was akin to the start of the Indy 500 auto race. 20 people ripping down 1500 feet of nonstop skiing. Finally getting my bump skiing worked out. All is good.....but
I'm having binding issues with my skis. One of the Marker adjustable toes is moving and releasing the forward tension. So, today, I'm borrowing skis from Philpug. It's clear to me now that this problem has existed since I mounted them on my new Rev 85's and one ski has issues. I will not ski them again until it's resolved. But, when adjusted correctly, the Rev;s are great for what I want.
More to start todays skiing at Moonlight Basin.