Author Topic: Demo list for Perry  (Read 851 times)


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Re: Demo list for Perry
« on: February 09, 2013, 01:04:23 pm »
LP - you make a lot of sense.

I have gone back and forth on the Heads ( I also like these and ski the SS mag East; owned the Monster IM75 )
I have gone back and forth on the Blizzard 8.5 and Kastle 83.  Skied the Bonafide last year - great ski but I agree it is a bit stiff and skied the MX 88 176cm which was amazingly stable - I am 6'2" 200lbs and it was the most stable ski I have ever been on.

My other dilemma is that I may not get to demo the skis I want to. The shop in Steamboat that carries the MX83 doesn't have one mounted in the longer length yet - going to call next week to see if they will.  I am not sure I will find a Blizzard 8.5 to demo as most shops have sold out.  Add in that I don't go to Colorado to spend time in the shops - kinda impatient to get on the snow it makes we want to just buy something. 

Add in that I haven't gotten many ski days - makes buying the Kastle seem unwise.  (that will likely change next year though....sigh)
I have found the Head Rev mounted for $500 and tempted.  ever ski those or the ipeak 84?