Author Topic: Periodic Neuvation Cycling newsletters  (Read 663 times)


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Re: Periodic Neuvation Cycling newsletters
« on: January 11, 2013, 01:23:01 pm »

Steve Pucci and Tyler Hamilton
Steve owned North East Bikes in Sagus Mass.  The sign on his front door said "No Bozos allowed."  While I questioned his business acumen, I liked him.  His team was close to Marblehead where Tyler grew up and he sponsored Tyler during his early years.   I later became president of Sachs which sponsored his team and though I didn't know Tyler, I knew of him from Steve early on and followed him intently through his entire career.
This quote is from Tyler?s book The Secret Race
"For the first part of the Ventoux climb, I felt great. I should point out that when a bike racer says he feels great, he does not actually feel great.  In fact, you feel like hell - you're suffering, your heart is jumping out of your chest, your leg muscles are screaming, flashes of pain are moving around your body like so many strings of Christmas lights.  What it means is that you feel like crap, and you know the guys around you are feeling even crappier, and you can tell through their subtle expressions , like telltale signs, that they're going to crack before you do.  Your pain, in that situation, feels meaningful.  It can even feel great."
« Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 07:27:33 am by jim-ratliff »
"If you're gonna play the game boy, ya gotta learn to play it right."