I got one more to throw at you:
Ski Logik Howitzer. I got my first ride on this ski in 16 inches of dense powder (and then dense crud) on thursday. It has a gently Rockered tip, full camber, traditional non rockered twin-tip tail, 186cm, 110mm waist. 22m turn.
I was very impressed with this ski. First of all, it is absolutely beautiful (I have the Tiger graphic). Obviously, it had no trouble in unbroken powder (few skis do)--but it was a winner in the broken crud. Easy to maneuver, steady and strong--but also light (no metal, lots of carbon) so jumping over the occasional water bar or early season stream was a breeze. I tagged a few rocks here and there and the bases still look fine.
I followed a mid day groomer who was turning the crud into cream on a blue trail...these skis felt like heaven on that surface. If you check out the Exotic Skis review of this ski, they say they preferred it vastly to the Ullr's Chariot-even on the groomed. I have skied that ski as well, and I think Exotic skis is dead-on correct (I was never a fan of the Ullr's Chariot).
This ski is a well-mannered, smooth and predictable medium flex ski. Obviously great in powder, but it held up to the heavy crud test, which is, after all the real test of a wide off-piste ski (because, every and any wide ski will slay unbroken powder--but the heavy broken crud that follows a powder day is where a wide ski is made or broken in my opinion).