JB....so glad to hear you liked the ski too....I heard from Max and know too he felt the same way.
You're spot in...you can ski HH on these babies all day long. I mean I wouldn't take it out all day on a groomed snow day caue it's still a big board but man does the REV 105 love fineese techniqe. It's very quick and agile but not nervous. Create angles, edge managment, and let these babies rip. Short and long turns, whatever you like. The also can be drifted easily, floated, brush carve....extremely verstile...me like this.

What I really like about it is that it skis more like a traditional ski. The camber under foot is just the right amount, appreciated and noticed. Now, I can see value in full rocker skis IF I'm skiing shin to waist high pow. I unfortunately don't get enough of that.
Overnight Wed it dumped betwween 12 and 15" of wet pow on Bristol Mt. The ride up the chair coated our goggles with frozen must be scraped off snow. Our ski jackets became solid sheets of ice...oh yeah....great easter pow. I know the best ski for that day would have been my Kastle FX84 but I wanted to try out the Rev's. I have the 181 length and was worried a bit about the length. I have to say the length was not an issue, the ski is very easy to bring up on edge, release and transition. With my Marker Scizo bindings, I moved the binding forward a few quick adjusments on the mountain and "BAM", I was dialed in. The skis respond quickly and only to what input the skier applies, Very easy to ski tip to tail, happy on it's edges but also co-operative drifting or flat. Love that tail...gotta say...it's nice to have that support there for the majority of conditions I ski in.
Last run of the day our premier 1200 vert black run, I came off the chair and over the rise to the top of th run and entered a bump field top to bottom. Guys, these skis ski bump so relaxed....made me feel like well...what a barrel rider looks like on his best horse.....they just ride over, through and around anything and in any direction you point them. A lot to be said about that 16 meter turning radius. With soft foot skills and angles, these babies are the Blue Ribbon Barrel Horse of skis.
During the course of the morning skiing, there was patches of the most nasty unnatural blown crusty snow where the 1 and 3 edges bit like Jaws. Same too on the scraped off areas....create angles, the grip is very very solid.
So I look forward to more time on them but I feel they are going to make a great above boot high snow ski but certainly capable of getting there and back with ease.
Thanks for the positive feedback JB and Max....if you you all get a chance to demo one...I'd love to here other thoughts. In the meantime...my quiver is "just perfect with itself"!
Best, G
Sidetnote: Ron found a buyer for my DPS 112's...thanks Ron!