Author Topic: So, Where are the steeps?  (Read 840 times)


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Re: So, Where are the steeps?
« on: November 20, 2012, 05:58:01 pm »
Lookout chair was put in 1979.

Nosedive is no longer a hike from the top the new quad and regrading have made it easily accessible.

I hope the new snowmaking makes the snow better on upper nosedive. It would be sweet and it is quite often some of the worst snow on the mountain, and I can only imagine that more people being able to get to it faster should only make it worse.

Literally I am normally scared of the upper turns due to the fall consequences on the quite often vertical ice skating rink. Its one of the runs I tend to avoid free skiing. along with Hayride when groomed, and liftline when groomed. If it needs a winch cat it shouldnt be groomed IMO.