Author Topic: So, Where are the steeps?  (Read 840 times)


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Re: So, Where are the steeps?
« on: November 20, 2012, 03:59:26 pm »
lookout is the lookout liftline. Top to bottom is probably the hardest marked trail at stowe. Its got a nasty double fall line up high probably the worst there is at stowe. Its steep and then there is an exposed ice fall at the bottom that is bascially un edgeable.

To me the hardest segments(not steepest) of runs at stowe are this.

Upper Goat
Upper Starr
Upper Lookout
Double Bypass
Upper National
Lower Goat
Uppest Liftline
Lower National
waterfall pitch of hayride, really scary to me because its a groomed ice skating rink.
13 pitch of Liftline, the groom is harder IMO than bumps lines

Hardest Runs top to bottom

Chin Clip