loaded question....
first PSIA doesnt teach anything. they are organization that certifies ski instructors. Nothing more and nothing less. they are opened ended and liberal unless your in an exam. and even then its getting better. I do not think I ski like the typical PSIA instructor in the fact that I use retraction tons, balance on the outside foot and remain square to the hill vs skis. but like I said their is no typical PSIA instructor so my statement about not skiing like one is kinda of nullifeid.
Alignment is something I always look at and have for years. My understanding of it gets better every year but I am able to find gross misalignment on the hill and moderate to minor misalignment though video analysis, which I use with return/repeat upper clients quiet frequently. With that said most ski teacher minus a few L3 and L3+ are really not someone who I would trust with anyone alignments.
Equipment. Well I if by modernizing you mean embracing fatter rockered skis then yes I am

but honestly I know that not what you mean. The thing is the majority of my lessons or anyone lessons are beginner/terminal intermediates. Personally give me the beginners any day, at least I hopefully can start them out as I feel right. The majority of my end lessons/freeskiing is done off trail. Carving skis for me are to much work I prefer playful semi fat skis even for mostly hardpack days for this stiff because for me they are easier and there for more fun for me.
on equipment I do not know if this makes the PSIA look bad, me look good or both. or neither, but honestly I feel most rockered skis out there can rip all conditions with the right pilot. I took a 177cm Fully Rockered Twin tip to DCL tryouts and got 50 percent of my scores perfect won the skiing tryout. Including shorts, bumps, medium turns, and various low end task. A National Demo Team selector gave me perfects. What I am saying is that equipment does not matter to a well rounded skier.
Gliding wedges have been the only thing taught for as long as I have been skiing, there is a huge difference to a gliding wedge and braking wedge. a gliding wedge done rightly becomes matched skis. A braking wedge is
**** and I hate it when I get students taught to do it!
Part 2 coming soon