Author Topic: The BEST cat skiing operation promo video  (Read 720 times)


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The BEST cat skiing operation promo video
« on: November 17, 2012, 06:44:28 am »
I've skied here....It's a pretty economical cat skiing op if your in the neighborhood: Big Red Cats  Out of Rossland, BC

I am a fan of the Kootenays/ Monashees in general (Red Mountain, Whitewater and Panorama) and this cat op in the specific.

This promo has everything:  Joey and Shane Cordeau (Check out the skinny skis on those two!), super-heros (Check out Shane Cordeau as Captain America on skinny skis, vs. the other super heros on big rockered fatties....), and canadian accents.

Kind of along with the theme of the threads for a month now....there are lots of styles and skills and techniques and equipment choices...but in the end, it's about skiing great conditions (and adverse conditions) and great terrain with balance and aplomb.

« Last Edit: November 17, 2012, 06:50:01 am by Liam »

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Re: The BEST cat skiing operation promo video
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2012, 07:47:54 am »
Liam...THAT is one of my all time favorte promo's!

Awesome terrain, great snow....the costume gig was soooo funny and so cool for them to do that!

AND you've skied there....what a great trip for sure. Thanks for posting that....won't be able to wipe the smile off my face!
 Best, G  :D


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Re: The BEST cat skiing operation promo video
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2012, 10:31:20 am »
the son is on 86mm skis......and he is way more backseat than you need to be because of those skinny ski.

he still rips though but he could benefit from huge skis as could anyone.....

anyone know pricing?

I am looking for a Cat place sub 300 bucks a day...anyone know of one?


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Re: The BEST cat skiing operation promo video
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2012, 11:43:47 am »
Wow Bush..sub $300...that might find you some early season unsettled snow....I think Steamboat Powder Cats used to run some deals.

Keystone may have reasonable priced catskiing ...I'm looking into that...gotta a friend with a place there.
check this out:

« Last Edit: November 17, 2012, 11:46:46 am by Gary »


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Re: The BEST cat skiing operation promo video
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2012, 03:44:42 pm »
What makes you say he is in the backseat?

My patellar tendons hurt just watching him.


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Re: The BEST cat skiing operation promo video
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2012, 07:07:22 pm »
Great promo!! Makes us all want to book a cat skiing or heli trip. One thing is for sure, Cat skiing especilly in trees and glades is a lot safer than Heli skiing in steeps and bowls.

I agree with Max, I don't think he is in the back seat, he just flexes (retracts) like a mother when he lands which does temporarily put him back but he immediately sucks back his feet and he is forward at the start of the next turn.


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Re: The BEST cat skiing operation promo video
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2012, 04:38:25 am »
Yeah, I thought this crew would get a kick out of this video.

Shane is a great skier, and I always liked Joey Cordeau's skiing (and he's on skinnier skis than his son)...but I think all the skiing in this video is pretty excellent.  Yeah, the big skis work differently than the little skis, but they're skiing the way they want too and doing it really well!

The terrain is pretty typical for the whole region (Red to Whitewater)-Lots of Trees, good steep pitches, lots of snow, I always felt that it skied like a bigger, steeper, snowier verison of Northern Vermont.

Bush, The Canadian exchange rates were good when I went....we paid like 280.00 American, I don't know what the cost is now (I went 4 years ago).


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Re: The BEST cat skiing operation promo video
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2012, 06:38:07 am »
Bush, The Canadian exchange rates were good when I went....we paid like 280.00 American, I don't know what the cost is now (I went 4 years ago).

How many runs did you get in a day? Whatever the number, it looks like some quality skiing fo sho. Honestly, their "bad skiing" looks pretty awesome to me.

btw - I know the video isn't for MA or anything, but poor Wonder Woman! She really needs to do something with her alignment!


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Re: The BEST cat skiing operation promo video
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2012, 06:13:28 am »
Hey, I'd love to ski with Wonder Woman!  ;D Can't believe any guy would do a ski day wearing only  brief underwear. On second thought, too much up-unweighting to be a respectable skier. Ha!

Liam, you find more interesting stuff of the web than anyone! Great job.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2012, 07:55:09 am by LivingProof »


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Re: The BEST cat skiing operation promo video
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2012, 06:45:30 am »

Well, four years ago, Big Red Cats was a pretty 'low key' operation, we put together a crew (me, my two buds and 5 guys we met at Red Mountain, called them up @ 6am on a weekday, and were all on a cat around 8am.   We got 9-10 runs in (I think), we had a pretty fast group (I was, without a doubt, the 'anchor' dragging the crew down).   It was a really fun day, we had decent (but not epic) snow. 

I just checked their website, it seems prices have gone up and they're really pushing the lodge stay multi day package.  I would think if you planned a trip to that area and did 2 days at Red, 2-3 Big Red Cats and 2 days at Whitewater in mid February, you could put together a really great and fairly economical 'powder week'.  Southwest flies to Spokane....

I've seen a lot of girls who ski similar to Wonder Woman in the off-piste  (c'mon, how many of us would love to have a significant other who got after the off piste half as well---especially if she'd agree to wear the costume!  :D ) ...particularly taller women, Stance and physiology often go together.   She seemed to be doing pretty  well to my eyes--but I know what you're looking at.

Everyone in this video is a 'Strong Skier', though there is a certainly a spectrum of can MA if you'd like, but again, for me, I am more interested in what each of these skiers is Doing RIGHT than straining my critical eyes trying to discern what they are doing wrong (and usually what I'd see as 'wrong' reflects mostly my stylistic preferences anyway).


BUt Max pulls up a lot of great videos as well.  And, I really Like Bushwackers (and friends) videos of his and his crew's skiing.  I'd say I pull up more quirky videos that lead to pretty good discussions. 
« Last Edit: November 19, 2012, 06:46:55 am by Liam »


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Re: The BEST cat skiing operation promo video
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2012, 10:20:16 am »
How many runs did you get in a day? Whatever the number, it looks like some quality skiing fo sho. Honestly, their "bad skiing" looks pretty awesome to me.

btw - I know the video isn't for MA or anything, but poor Wonder Woman! She really needs to do something with her alignment!

That was silly fun!
I agree with epic; her alignment needs some serious work.
Her knees will be shot soon if she doesn't.
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