Author Topic: PRD 12's vs 14's??  (Read 1568 times)


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PRD 12's vs 14's??
« on: February 04, 2013, 11:45:49 pm »
Hey Folks,
I am looking at a ski purchase that includes PRD 14's. The only difference I can see in the PRD 12's  vs 14's from the tech specs is the din range 3.5 vs 4.0 (bottom end) and perhaps the paint job?
Looking at their 5'8"....140lbs....type II...over the half century mark, if I am reading correctly, I seem to be right at the bottom end, possibly below the recommended din setting. Again, if I am looking at it right.
It is a smokin deal on the skis and bindings, but not so "smokin" if  the bindings aren't a good fit for me.
I am not at all familiar with the PRD bindings or the chart which is a bit like yahtzee, move one square this way, two that.
Any feedback appreciated....

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Re: PRD 12's vs 14's??
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2013, 02:14:10 am »
The main difference is the upper release value (12 vs 14) and that's where they get the name difference.
Lynn and I have the Power Rail's (or the Fischer equivalent) on all of our skis, and like them quite well.  they make it especally easy to move the skis fore and aft of the standard mounting positions.

The other factor in finding your DIN settng is boot sole length.  I would be surprised if you were a 3.5, but you are almost certainly less than 6.0.  I don't think there would be a noticeable difference between the two in that range.  FWIW, I have the PRD 12 because that's what came with one pair of skis and I like the fact that my 6.5 DIN setting is more in the middle of the PRD 12 range.  My guess would be that the PRD14's would be a bit heavier as well (with a bit more metal and less plastc in the build),

The Type II and the over 50 cancel each other, so find the right line on the chart and read the value in the column that matches your boot sole length. However, I will confess that we ignore the "over 50" reduction -- we still exert the same pressure on the ski as when we were 49, and I don't think my bones have gotten that much more brittle.  I think Midwif has a 5.0 DIN, and she is 120 lbs, Type II, over 50, and a 280 mm boot sole length.  Also, don't set the bindings yourself; let a shop do it and torque test the release values -- but I think the PRD 14's would be fine for you.  Note that mismatches in height/weight can cause you to use a different line on the chart, but that seldom comes into play.

What are the skis under the bindings?
« Last Edit: February 05, 2013, 02:23:18 am by jim-ratliff »
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Re: PRD 12's vs 14's??
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2013, 03:26:44 am »
Thanks for the info Jim....The Skis are Head Rev 85 Pro's...I just finished a two day demo on a pair and really got along well with them. While I am sure I did not extract the upper performance level out of the skis, they were trustworthy, user friendly and.....FUN.
I lucked upon the demo. I contacted an LSS to see if I could get ahold of some Ipeak 78 pros or 84's. They didnt have them but had just received a flat pair of the Rev's. They mounted them up with Marker Griffon Demo Bindings on a rental plate and I was the first on the slopes with them. I was a bit dissapointed that the bindings look like they have been rode hard and put out wet but they seem to work o.k. I am also in deliberation with the shop to purchase those particular skis as my demo $$ would go towards purchase.
Not a deal breaker in terms of the ski and demo bindings (if the price were right) but I just felt as if the ski would perform best with bindings designed for the idea of  diagonal heel release and an "unused" binding with fore/aft adjust....without plate. (Although I probably would not notice the difference in performance with or without rental plate)

ps: Looking at the chart again...if age and type cancel out....going by weight which is on a different line than height and a 306 looks like I would be somewhere around 4.5 so indeed they look like they would work fine.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2013, 03:36:36 am by byronm »


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Re: PRD 12's vs 14's??
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2013, 05:07:22 am »

I was eyeing the Rev 85 last this past weekend in Gary's LSS where they were having a 50% sale. Memory tells me that the skis did include bindings and, as displayed, they had the tracks for Head bindings on the skis. Just guessing, but, they may not be sold flat, other than your demo. I believe the PRD will give you a little more stack height over the demo bindings, which, is a plus for me.

Good choice on the ski. I thought long and hard about it, as I want a ski to take west in that width. It gets great reviews from Real Skiers, and, others.


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Re: PRD 12's vs 14's??
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2013, 06:25:31 am »
Here's another option to consider: buy the skis flat and have bindings mounted separately. For you a 14 or 12 DIN is overkill. I bought a pair of Movement Jams last year and had Railflex 2 bindings mounted. Railflex 2 are the predecessor of the PRDs. I got a deal from Level Nine Sports where I sent them my skis and they mounted and return shipped them to me; I only paid for the cost of the binding itself. I had my local shop adjust and test the bindings. Total costs were still cheaper than the ski seller's binding choice (Markers).
« Last Edit: February 05, 2013, 06:28:22 am by smackboy1 »
I'm not a ski instructor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.


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Re: PRD 12's vs 14's??
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2013, 11:33:29 am »
Byron: I feel the same way about the diagonal heel. I've had other Tyrolean bindings with 10 or 11 for the upper release number, but they didn't have the diagonal heel and were lighter. It took me a while to accept that I was willing to suffer a bit of extra weight for better features.  It seems that Head always includes at least the 12 binding in their better skis.
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Re: PRD 12's vs 14's??
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2013, 03:55:48 pm »
Your right LP..the skis and 14 bindings are a package deal the seller can't deviate from. Ironically, same seller had the REV85's with PR11's a week or two ago and I asked if they could put 12's on them and was told no. (seller not really a "shop" per se) Now they have a set with 14's when "all I really want for xmas is the 12's"... :D
Smackboy, agree the 14's and potential overkill. The railflex option looks good if I could find the ski flat for cheap. The LSS ski (with demo bindings) might be able to come close in price, however, in the end, just not sure I could parse parts, services and shipping to come in much under $499 to my door for that ski w/quality binding.
LP...if you're considering and havent skied them you should take them for a spin. Relaxing and stable under foot, while I didn't stand them on edge and catapult off turns, they seemed to carve smoothly and effectively when I needed. No real powder to be had but saved my bacon and allowed me to ugly my way down a slope of windblown dust over half a foot old chop.   
On the binding issue....I am searching for an option for my BlizzMag7.6's to give me fore/aft adj. But it seems my options are limited with the IQ plate system. At least none of the shops in my area know of an option other than guessing at the fore mount position and hoping for the best.
I am finding the whole "integrated binding" concept as annoying as tech companies and proprietary accessory recepticles for their phones. I have a box full of car and wall chargers of various configs if anyone needs that rant... ;D
Any thoughts for options there would be appreciated.
Thx for the feedback guys.


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Re: PRD 12's vs 14's??
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2013, 04:38:11 pm »
I've got PRD12's on my Monster iM78's, and I've been quite happy with them.  I don't see why you wouldn't want the 14's.  If you really want 12's, I'd be happy to trade you mine for the 14's you'd be getting.  I like to buy the highest-range binding my setting fits into, because the higher-end bindings are more durable.  I don't mind the added weight for lift-served skiing.

You can get the Powerrail plates separately from the bindings from Head/Tyrolia, too.  If you put them on a bunch of skis, you can travel with 6 pairs of skis and 1 set of bindings, for a lot less weight/space, since they're so easy to move around.  You can also remove those plates easily, since it's just a bunch of screws into the ski, like any other binding.  It's not like a true "system" setup where you're really restricted.

Can't help you with the Blizzards, though; sorry.


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Re: PRD 12's vs 14's??
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2013, 06:50:55 pm »
Dan..I am sure I would/will be quite happy with them thank you very much... :D
My OP was prompted by concern I might be "below" rd setting on the 14's.
I just found irony with the fact that they had PR11's without the diagonal heel last week when I asked for 12's...and this week, bumped the price a tad for the 14's...
I won't hate myself for owning a pair of 14's and probably won't notice at this point the weight difference. Additional irony as smackboy pointed what point does a buck forty and 14 din become overkill?...but I think the PRD system is way cool and flexible as you rightly pointed out. :D
« Last Edit: February 05, 2013, 07:10:43 pm by byronm »


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Re: PRD 12's vs 14's??
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2013, 07:38:27 pm »
If you have second thoughts, don't hesitate to message me!  ;D

I had a similar concern with a couple pair of race skis I bought this summer.  They were mounted with the Freeflex Pro 20 X RD, which goes from 10-20.  I normally ski at a 9.5, so it wasn't hugely off, but enough that I thought about it.  I ended up setting them at 10.5 and skiing them that way, and haven't had any trouble.  I've only crashed on those once, and they released at exactly the moment I thought "It'd be really nice if this ski released right about now.".

I really think Head/Tyrolia should market those as telepathic bindings..


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Re: PRD 12's vs 14's??
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2013, 11:18:08 pm » all helped curb any remaining aprehension so one set of Rev85's and PRD14's are on the way.... ;D