Author Topic: A message from "Betty"  (Read 1274 times)


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Re: A message from "Betty"
« Reply #15 on: November 10, 2012, 09:31:36 pm »
I should know better than to go out of town for a week, and leave you lot unsupervised.  I just read this whole thread, and am loving it. 

I added little bit of a troll for Svend, expecting he would enlighten us with guidance on being loyal subjects but he seems not to have risen to the bait.

Sorry Jim...very lax of me for not attending.  But I must enter this discussion with a correction:  we Canadians are no longer loyal subjects of the crown.  We have been without a monarch since 1982 when we repatriated our Constitution, an Act signed by Betty herself.  A very proud moment for our country, I must say.  We have been redefiining our national identity ever since, and getting more patriotic with every year.

As for the recent election in the US, us Canadians were watching with rapt attention to every thrust and parry over the past months.....years, actually.  Fascinating, in a strange kind of way.  A bit like the gapers at a car crash on the freeway -- drawn to the carnage in a morbid sense, but damn glad it's not us.  And good lord, it takes forever for you guys to run election campaigns. Take a lesson from Canada, please, and put us all out of our misery a tad more swiftly:  six weeks and it's over and done with up here, and we get on with running the kitchen already. 

But I digress....   Given the partisan discourse and rancour in your country since 2008, I could certainly understand how Jim would find a tinge of temptation the thought of a stable, calm period of rule by a lovely old gal like Lizzy.  Imagine the P & Q! No more childish bickering; actual governance and progress.  Bliss! She might even bring in a universal national health service in the British model.  Charming, James old chap.... 

But beware! All is not roses.  Canada got so fed up with having to march off to London, hat in hand, every time we wanted to enact a major piece of nation-changing legislation (constitutional reforms, and that sort of stuff) and ask HRH if please would she mind signing off on it.  Americans, being the independent-minded sort, would last, oh, maybe a year or two, and then you'd want that ole constitution back home again, fer sure.  Trouble is, you might get one or two states that don't like the terms of repatriation, and hold the rest of the country to ransom.  This is what happened in Canada when the frenchies in Quebec, petulant and manipulating, refused to sign unless they had major concessions which would have led to their eventual independent statehood.  The rest of Canada (English) told them to go to hell, and to this day Quebec is the only province that is not a signatory to our Constitution.  So Jim:  don't do it, my friend!!!  Don't say I didn't warn you....

That's my history lesson for today...  Back to the many ticks in the world.  There sure are a lot of them, aren't there.  Perhaps we should legalize DDT again?

« Last Edit: November 10, 2012, 09:44:30 pm by Svend »