The electoral college should be removed by Constitutional amendment and a simple majority vote should prevail. How do you feel when all the votes from your state's electoral college go to one candidate or the other based on the majority vote in your state?
I think the electoral college should stay -- it provides a certain balance between populous eastern states and the less populous western states in a way consistent with the Constitution; and I guess the way it handles the District of Columbia is OK.
But I agree that the "winner take all" approach to each states electoral votes should be done away with, as should the electors. If Virginia votes 49%-48%-3% for the D-R-I candidates, then Virginia's Electoral College votes should be divvied up 6.37, 6.24, 0.39 (and, as I mentioned, I don't believe that the votes should be selecting Elector's; they should have gone the way of the dinosaur).
Former Sen. Alan Simpson of Wyoming defends the Electoral College system for protecting small states in elections, which otherwise might be overrun by big city campaigning: "Once you get rid of the Electoral College, the election will be conducted in New York and San Francisco."
HA, as a Colorado resident you should be in favor of the electoral college approach (if not it's winner take all execution).