i really wasn't trying to create a political conversation, only sharing something I found quite humorous.
However ..... I think it is way too simple to lay the problems at the feet of others such as political parties or the media. Is that the really the problem?
General Eisenhower, in his final Presidential speech said, effectively, "beware the military industrial complex!" As a nation we didn't heed his warning.
President Kennedy, in an emotionally convincing speech, implored us to "ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country!" But we have continued down a path of thinking that the government can solve all of our problems, leading to ever growing government.
I used to laugh when reading accounts of Roman Senators hiring men to drive wagons through the streets throwing bread to the people to buy their votes ---- until I realized that the practice still exists, but we do it with "pork".
In general, people don't vote for the best candidate, they vote on their particular 'hot button'. As a result, to get elected you have to 'not say' the right things -- and then get scourged for waffling or not being totally honest.
Is the problem with "them" or are we getting the government we ask for? What leads us to believe that voting for an independent (like Ron Paul) that can't get elected is part of a solution?
So let's get back to the really important stuff, skiing and biking.