I'm sure you've seen it, but the Avalon web site posted a picture of the calm as the eye of Sandy, evidently, passed right over the town.
Quite correct, Sandy landed right where my home is, give or take 10 miles. As was forecasted, the major flooding is north of the eye, so we did get spared from the worst of the storm surge. A friend just inspected my property and it is fine. A neighbor told us that power was never off and there was no water on our street. On a barrier island, the eastern, or ocean side is always higher than the western, or bay / tidal marsh area. Streets parallel to the bay side got 3 feet of water plus, so, there is a lot major clean up. But our island is far better off than the northern neighbors.
In Philly, power was restored last night, totaling almost 24 hours off, and, at noon today the cable tv/internet/phone provider service was restored, so, I'm good to keep spouting my stuff.,
The mid-Atlantic has enjoyed a extended fall warm period, and, Sandy cooled the temps down, at least in the short term. It's finally beginning to feel like ski season beckons. At least 6 more weeks until projected openings of local hills.
Again, thanks for all the well wishes, It's great to be lucky!