If, during a day of skiing, one spills any Kool-Aid from his free-foot hunting/drinking boot,* then he must turn in his secret PMTS lingo decoder ring and he is thenceforth condemned to ski 50-50 on two skis. Since many skiers just can't hold their Kool-Aid, manufacturers nowadays sell skis and boots in pairs of two so that their customers can save face.
Many skiers twist their flat ski to turn in a failed attempt to avoid sloshing the Kool-Aid out of their boot. That makes for bad skiing Juju. Successful initiates trust in The Force (centripetal) to hold the Kool-Aid in their boot no matter how great the edge angle.
At the time he skied with us, Kam had low twenties in SL and GS and thirties in the speed events. He could hold his Kool-Aid with style, although he almost lost some when he tried the overly "soft" Bomber B-1 slalom skis. Definitely an unobtainium afficionado.
Kam is also a warning to us all. After a Noram race, he forgot to back off his DINs and in a freak accident wound up with a crushed calf that cut his season short. He skied one-footed with us for a weekend at Sugarbush along with Glenn S., his skiing mentor.
* I am not at liberty to discuss the apres ski libation rituals.