Author Topic: Canadian Style!  (Read 3179 times)


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Re: Canadian Style!
« Reply #30 on: October 23, 2012, 08:44:00 am »


Yes, it's hard to know where the "line of civility" is.  What is the difference between a "pointed response" and a "personal attack". I admit that I don't really know, we're sort of all just winging it together.  Attacks on your kids or your brand of skis are much easier to detect.
I will say that yesterday's airing of frustrations (and misunderstandings) was, IMHO, a pretty civil discussion given the topic.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 08:46:10 am by jim-ratliff »
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Re: Canadian Style!
« Reply #31 on: October 23, 2012, 09:09:27 am »
Svend: A bit personal don't you think? I think High Angles is OK in saying that nothing he saw in the videos made him question his contentment/investment with his "current skiing paradigm". Whether he is making a blanket statement about CSIA wasn't clear.
And I assume that, like all of us, he really has no agenda other than to enjoy skiing. I'm pretty sure that we are all aware enough of each other's skiing paradigms not to be "converted" by anything written here.

Jim, please read my response to your insertion into my post, above (Reply #33).  I can modify my original response to H-A if it will ease the tension here, but I will be more or less saying the same thing, just in different words....less direct, more polite insinuation.  And I promise not to use H-A's own words, like "crap" or "evangelizing". 

Interesting responses here....I take someone to task for being a Harb punter while simultaneously calling an entire ski instruction discipline "crap", and I get pounced on for being uncivil.  Hmmmm....makes me stop and think a bit.....

« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 09:24:32 am by Svend »


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Re: Canadian Style!
« Reply #32 on: October 23, 2012, 09:31:46 am »
  Attacks on your kids or your brand of skis are much easier to detect.[/size]

I think we should be allowed to attack anyone's brand of skis at any time for any reason.  :D :D


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Re: Canadian Style!
« Reply #33 on: October 23, 2012, 09:39:38 am »
I think we should be allowed to attack anyone's brand of skis at any time for any reason.  :D :D

In that case, and in the interest of dodging possible future attacks, I wish to disclose that I do not ski on K2.  Nor have I ever owned a foam core ski.   ;D


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Re: Canadian Style!
« Reply #34 on: October 23, 2012, 10:03:21 am »

First of all, I would like to apologize for the insert into your original post. I started to comment there, then decided that it would be more appropriate to do a reply rather than editing your post. I failed to delete the first collection of thoughts, but it was not my intent to have dual comments.

Quote from: HighAngles
[size=0px]Their teaching is not movement-based.  It's all about "feeling" and "try to do this in your skiing".  It's all just crap IMHO and I'm amazed that this is what the majority of the skiing public is left with to learn how to ski.[/size]

When I read the above, it was his assessment what he saw and heard in the videos. Different than what many others had said about those same videos including some PTMS'er's, but having a personal opinion about a system is just an opinion.

Quote from: Svend

[size=0px]Your statement above is simply absurd.  Do you really think......[/size]

[size=0px]Honestly, how ridiculous to write .....[/size]
[size=0px]....... you have another agenda[/size]

This seemed much more personal at HighAngles than CSIA or skiing, and that's what I was reacting to.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 10:10:04 am by jim-ratliff »
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Re: Canadian Style!
« Reply #35 on: October 23, 2012, 10:05:57 am »
In that case, and in the interest of dodging possible future attacks, I wish to disclose that I do not ski on K2.  Nor have I ever owned a foam core ski.   ;D



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Re: Canadian Style!
« Reply #36 on: October 23, 2012, 10:06:26 am »
I think we should be allowed to attack anyone's brand of skis at any time for any reason.  :D :D



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Re: Canadian Style!
« Reply #37 on: October 23, 2012, 10:12:28 am »
I think we should be allowed to attack anyone's brand of skis at any time for any reason.  :D :D
You mean like "Wow, John, your skiing really sucks when you are on Head Super Shapes?"  ;)
And I too am more than ready to lighten the tone a little bit.
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Re: Canadian Style!
« Reply #38 on: October 23, 2012, 10:13:22 am »
Jim I think it's more about poo pooing some really great skiers and what they MAY bring to the table.

In any for stance...

I believe without a doubt "NO Stance width should be forced" period. The only exception I've personally found is skiing pow...where keeping the legs and knees close help keep the skis working together as a more stable platform. Each individual  I've ever worked with had a "natural" stance in which they could perform drills with great success. Moving them out of that comfort range resulted in what I'd refer to as "forced" skiing. It had no flow and the skier lost their natural balance.


That has been my thought on stance for a long, long time.  Nicely said.

« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 03:53:06 pm by jim-ratliff »


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Re: Canadian Style!
« Reply #39 on: October 23, 2012, 01:22:27 pm »
Max has a point.  I've skied multiple times with a CSIA level 4 (and former provincial race coach) who is also a PMTS black instructor.  We've had many discussions comparing and contrasting the two approaches.  It's a meaningful topic for him because his wife is a high level Canadian ski coach who hasn't drunk the PMTS Kool-Aid. 

Their solution at home is to just go out and rip down the mountain together in their individual ways.  Wish I could see that  :)

Harb and his #2 grew up skiing in Canada, and Harb skied on the Canadian national team, so they're pretty attuned to the Canadian view of skiing too.

I also got to know a handful of Whistler instructors at a PMTS event last year. 

Other PMTS devotees will have similar experiences.


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Re: Canadian Style!
« Reply #40 on: October 23, 2012, 01:29:39 pm »
I think we should be allowed to attack anyone's brand of skis at any time for any reason.  :D :D

I am introducing a new ski protection service.  For the low introductory price of $100, you can ship all your skis to me and I will absorb -- with good cheer -- all the flames that would previously have been directed to you.


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Re: Canadian Style!
« Reply #41 on: October 23, 2012, 03:27:38 pm »
Max's points are well taken (nicely written Max), as are everyone else's. However, several of you have pointed out that H-A was speaking only to the videos, and not the CSIA in general.  Well, my apologies to H-A if I interpreted that differently.  I'm a pretty literate bloke, and can comprehend the written word reasonably well, even in an early morning pre-caffiene fog.  So when someone finishes with a statement like "It's all just crap IMHO and I'm amazed that this is what the majority of the skiing public is left with to learn how to ski", I take that as being meant in a much broader context than simply the videos, especially when read together with his preceding sentence, and immediately followed by a much longer praising of the PMTS system in general.  I think one can be forgiven for interpreting the gist of the message to have taken a less-than-subtle jump from panning just the videos, to something broader.

In any case, let's move on to more upbeat chats, shall we?

Todd -- good luck with your new venture.  The bargain of the year, if you ask me!  I am feeling pretty secure in my masculinity with my ski choices, but thanks for the generous offer.  I have a large and sturdy Viking shield (ancestral heirloom) which will serve me well to deflect any barbs and arrows flung my way.  ;D

« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 03:49:58 pm by Svend »


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Re: Canadian Style!
« Reply #42 on: October 23, 2012, 07:26:34 pm »
I am introducing a new ski protection service.  For the low introductory price of $100, you can ship all your skis to me and I will absorb -- with good cheer -- all the flames that would previously have been directed to you.


If you get any skis <170 cm (too small for you), may I have them, please.  I still cling to my Supershapes and I need help (or an intervention) to find different skis.


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Re: Canadian Style!
« Reply #43 on: October 23, 2012, 08:20:55 pm »
If you get any skis <170 cm (too small for you), may I have them, please.  I still cling to my Supershapes and I need help (or an intervention) to find different skis.

You're going the wrong way, Jim.  You need longer skis so you can go faster!  Have I mentioned that I have a line on a pair of 191cm GS skis for you?  They're made of unobtanium, and Kamden pre-trained them for you..  ;D


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Re: Canadian Style!
« Reply #44 on: October 23, 2012, 08:49:09 pm »
Well I'm glad to see that in my absence over the course of the day you all got this figured out.  :D

I was indeed only referring to the tips videos, not the CSIA in general.  Quite to the contrary, I think the CSIA actually has their act together much more so than the PSIA and I'm usually much more impressed with the skiing I've seen from CSIA instructors (I mean they have 4 levels instead of 3 so they have to be better, right  ;)).  It was just the series of video tips that I felt were just so much fluff with very little "meat".  I personally haven't ever had the opportunity to take a lesson with a CSIA instructor; my only knowledge of the system is from the Internet (which means not a lot).

If anyone has a link to a series of meaningful training videos from the CSIA or a CSIA instructor then I'd certainly like to check it out.