Max's points are well taken (nicely written Max), as are everyone else's. However, several of you have pointed out that H-A was speaking only to the videos, and not the CSIA in general. Well, my apologies to H-A if I interpreted that differently. I'm a pretty literate bloke, and can comprehend the written word reasonably well, even in an early morning pre-caffiene fog. So when someone finishes with a statement like "It's
all just crap IMHO and I'm amazed that
this is what the majority of the skiing public is left with to learn how to ski", I take that as being meant in a much broader context than simply the videos, especially when read together with his preceding sentence, and immediately followed by a much longer praising of the PMTS system in general. I think one can be forgiven for interpreting the gist of the message to have taken a less-than-subtle jump from panning just the videos, to something broader.
In any case, let's move on to more upbeat chats, shall we?
Todd -- good luck with your new venture. The bargain of the year, if you ask me! I am feeling pretty secure in my masculinity with my ski choices, but thanks for the generous offer. I have a large and sturdy Viking shield (ancestral heirloom) which will serve me well to deflect any barbs and arrows flung my way.