Liam, why do you think JF's technique is more attainable than what is shown by Sebastien?
Anyone know why the top CSIA guys use different ski technique?
Oh, Max
I don't think it is 'more' attainable than Sebastien's, I just think that it is an attainable level of skiing (or a teachable level of skiing).
Do you like either Michel's or Bealieu's skiing? I figure Foster is probably a little too poppy/ bouncy for your tastes (which is fair), but JF seems to be the leading light in the CSIA realm (sort of their Mike Rogan).
I don't know much about the Canadian system other than what I have gleaned from the on line sources...but those top CSIA guys (Tobin, Foster, JF Beaulieu) don't ski with a wide stance. In fact, except in one video, all of Josh fosters videos teach a narrower stance. And, even where they preach 'wide-stance' in their videos (on groomers), it isn't PSIA wide (in fact, it isn't very wide at all).
So I don't know how that reconciles with what your son experienced. That wide stance thing is up there with 'finish your turns'-that is, something instructors say when they don't know what to say. Is that what CSIA is preaching now? Maybe all my posted videos are dated.. Anyway, like I said, Josh Foster's skiing and instructional style is growing on me.