The far majority of rockered skiers ski from a backseat position. I'm guessing this is a reaction to lack of tip pressure.
I have both of those skis and neither requires a wide stance. The video doesn't demonstrate working their edges and "a lot of rotary" does not cause a ski to carve.
The videos I linked earlier demonstrate that there is a difference between lack of technique supported by athletic ability and solid technique supported by athletic ability. Style and athletic ability should not be confused with technique.
Honestly, if you want to imperiously push yet another thread into a specific technique discussion, the proper thing to do would be to start a thread dedicated to that purpose.
Max neither you or I have seen the
Majority of skiers do anything...but in a black and white world it gets awful easy to speak in absolutes. I am really not sure why these threads rankle you so...are you really incapable of getting past the constant hawking of a set of ski instruction manuals/ videos and high priced group lessons?
No one in these threads is pushing any technique, making claims of best vs. worst. This ain't a 'how to ski" thread.
No one is asking for lessons in this thread. I am just looking at what is, and why it is, and how it works. If you don't feel you can contribute to that, or add some thoughtful direction, or if you just feel the whole enterprise is beneath contempt-well, that's all well and good, maybe this ain't for everybody. But why participate at all in this thread? What are you after? Seriously, sometimes I really get the sense you are actively selling a product more than engaging in discussion over here (a sense others have had elsewhere, right?).
You have a different style of skiing and it is born from different goals, different ideas of long term enjoyment and a different image you like to craft of your skiing. I assume you ski very well and to a level that makes you happy. All very worthy variables (as much as any excessive pursuit of recreational playtime is worthy, of course....but we're all guilty on that count). Why aren't you content with that? Those who want to learn to ski like you (especially on this forum) already know where to look. And of course, you are free to start all the technique threads your heart desires (of course, they happen in a less controlled atmosphere over here than they would over there, but most posters on this forum are already sympathizers).
Just saying, you're spoiling for a debate that is well outside the boundaries and the spirit of these threads. It reminds me of how confrontational religious evangelists always try to pull conversations sideways so they can slide in their spiritual pitch.