Obviously, the comments by Todd and HighAngles are only valid when Rogan's skiing is evaluated in the context of a particular technical paradigm (PMTS) and that is appropriate since I ask for things in terms of what I could see and understand.
How would either of you evaluate that montage in the paradigm of what he is trying to do, or of the paradigm that PSIA teaches.
NOTE: This is not intended to be a trick question or initiate H&M (Lynn's terminology is now entrenched in our dialogue); I'm just really curious what your eyes see. (because we all see through the paradigm that we understand, which may be an integral part of Liam's very evocative and interesting threads.)
side rant....
There is no PSIA paradigm; there is
**** they do that is plain wrong, some stuff they know, and some options that PMTS'ers do not have. In reality each instructor is free to teach what they see fit. If we compared to politics, PSIA is actually the libertarian democracy when it comes to how each instructor teaches, whereas PMTS is very much an authoritarian dictatorship. It's an interesting disconnect from American politics right now, where the authoritarian candidates do well and the libertarians do not do well. Let face it, like Gary Johnson, PMTS is not going to gain any steam anytime soon. With that said, I feel that the PMTS system requires less thinking (less thinking can be a good thing) and more effort to learn; and from an outsider looking in seems to breed groomer junkies that have forgotten to have fun (do not just discount what I just said, come to Stowe and prove me otherwise!) Whereas PSIA has a ton of horrible instruction (the price we pay for freedom), but the best minds from a creative stand point have more tools to use than the PMTS instructors. Very much like American politics in that the PMTS style could help more people learn to become slightly better than park and riders, where PSIA is really good at getting people to ski anything they want and given enough time do just as well.
Look at Reilly. He hates the PMTS'ers more than just about anyone I know even though his style fits in more with your "one size fits all" model, but in his mind PSIA is a much more free, open organization.
Just look at me, my only purpose in pursuing education staff is not to be like them, but to change how the next crop of instructors thinks about skiing and how we are embracing the new tech for what its is (freaking amazing all mountain skis in the right hands) while not forgetting that SL/GS skis still have no equals on the groomers.
if this is offensive to anyone. let me know before it comes down. I would rather save this that just let it get deleted.
now on to Rogan
on the carving with control video
His transitions are extensions. For these relatively low dynamic turns its not really an issue, if he wants deeper angles and tighter turns then he will have to rework that and probably can rework that. In the shorter turns at :40 second in he is being hurt by this transition.
Disclaimer! I myself am a retraction guy when skiing off trail. IMO it's a much better transition and lets me vary turn shape both on edge and off edge easier.
AS I said about an earlier photo from the newest ski mag, Rogan lets his inside hip drop back and towards the ground. IMO this is not good skiing the majority of the time, but again there can be uses. In the past couple of years I have discovered just how much more edge grip there is when I drive with my inside hip into every turn.
I went through and made changes to the grammar. Hopefully no substantive change to the intent.