Author Topic: Advice needed for all-mtn. ski, eastern use -- mid 80's, or mid 90's?  (Read 1210 times)


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A quick update here....

I checked out the Peak 84 last weekend in Banff, and found it to be significantly stiffer than the the 78.  Furthermore, the 184 length of the 84 is quite a bit stiffer than the 177 length, but not a plank by any means -- just a supple, powerful flex feel.  This suddenly made made the ski look pretty appealing, and a good option for me.  So I demoed a pair in a 184 for a full day.  In a word:  Wow! What a great ski.  I had a blast on it.  Skied it in all kinds of conditions -- early morning frozen corduroy, bumps and crud; midday soft bumps and crud, late day mush.  It excelled in all conditions, esp. the frozen groomers, which bodes well for eastern use.  What a ripper.  I might just buy a pair  :D

Many here seem to be familiar with this ski, but if anyone wants a proper review, let me know.