Author Topic: Ski Gear Recommendation  (Read 706 times)


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Re: Ski Gear Recommendation
« on: November 14, 2011, 02:40:06 pm »
CIncy -- I don't ski twins myself, but my daughters do.  Therefore I am moderately informed, strictly at arms-length, you understand.  Being the main ski procurement researcher and buyer of the household.  I happen to know that Freeride Magazine and Powder Magazine recently released their 2012 test report issues.  Freeride rated a couple of Dynastar skis as being their top-ranked, citing their general excellence in all criteria.  Powder gave a glowing review to an Icelantic model (can't recall which one) -- Icelantic skis are consistently excellent.  Those two magazine issues are well worth checking out, as there is a lot of info in there.  Hopefully they're still on the news stand.

And, as Jim said, by all means visit the Realskiers website for "quick" reviews, or pay a small subscription fee for more detailed ones.  They have reviews of the big brands, and rate at least one park ski for each of them.  Then they also review smaller freeski makers like 4Frnt, Movement, Moment, Line, etc..

So, there are some resources for you to check out.  Sorry I couldn't help more, but good luck in the hunt.

« Last Edit: November 14, 2011, 02:42:53 pm by Svend »