Author Topic: Wider skis for my wife?  (Read 2839 times)


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Re: Wider skis for my wife?
« Reply #15 on: November 05, 2011, 06:08:43 pm »
85mm skis will 'work' in powder, especially under a good skier...but is 'working' in powder all your wife is after?? 

I'll say it---she NEEDS (note my capitalization! ;)) a fatter ski.  You guys seem to be committed, long-season skiers who travel and seek out quality, deeper snow conditions.    A fatter ski, possibly (probably) one with some sort of rocker, increases the Gary 3 F factor...which spells out NEED to me. 

I wouldn't sell the dynastar right away no matter what she buys, a good 85mm mid fat is handy to have.