Author Topic: Quick reviews: Dynastar Sultan 85 & 94; Nordica Tempest & Mach 3  (Read 1595 times)


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Great that you enjoy them and will await a big mountain review.

I'm wondering how to explain the difference between Look Demo and the Marker bindings on ski performance. I'm thinking that the position ahead of the line should be better in harder snow. Does the Look demo have that much more stackheight over a Griffon? As you stated, the Look demo's are well known for being heavy, but, I can't think weight alone would account for your differences.

In hindsight, I wish that I were able to move the mounting position to be more forward. The boots I used on that ski were 20 mm longer than yours, making my mount position 1 cm behind the line, more suited to softer snow. Philpug skied the Sultan 94 for a year in Tahoe, found them to be capable crud busters and he skis with a fair amount of velocity. I kept my Jester demo bindings for my next foray into a wider ski, whatever that may be.

Another "in-house" ski swap for our forum. Gary delivered these to Svend, and, brought a pair of Svend's Progressors back for use by G's son Jason.