Author Topic: Lange RX130 Pro  (Read 1277 times)


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Lange RX130 Pro
« on: April 25, 2011, 12:45:50 pm »
Ok...I caved.....I had tried these on (Rons) and loved the way they fit my foot but was into full deniablity about my Head Raptors with the quite modified Intuition Liners.

Up skiing in Banff last weekend Svend and I perused some local shops for deals and I found 2 pair, 1 being my 30% off....oh such luck, such temptation. So I bought the boots cause mine are well....shot!.

I skied my last ski deay at Sunshine a week ago today and I was blown away by how much more I felt the power transferred to the inside edge of the ski....I mean the feeling of my Head boots to the edges felt damp or not as precise...This was amazing. I did take out the rear spine bolts to soften them a bit and have since drummeled a wee bit of the internal cuff where they allow it. I skied them that day in bumps, pow, glades, bowls and they were fantastic. I love the upright cuff, ( I removed the power wedge) and the elastic power strap really was a nice touch. I've just got to have the 6 toe areas on each boot popped out a little bit on Thursday and they will be ready. No canting issues, no grinding issues, no alignment issues. One thing I had to get used to was that I could wiggle my toes quite easily. The toe box is spacious and my toes were warm with the weather in the teens. So far so good...just wishing I could get back on them after doing my fine tuning. As fate would have it, after looking in the states for the boot, I couldn't find them....but there in Banff, calling my name....I was drawn to them....just magic!

I was amazed how so little work I've had to do for fitting...I think Lange really did a great job with this boot, G
« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 12:48:00 pm by Gary »

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Re: Lange RX130 Pro
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2011, 01:57:21 pm »
It did sound like you were having to work too hard with the old Raptors.

Nice to hear such a rave review.

As far as room in the toe box, is that up and down room?
Any concerns about toe bang?

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Re: Lange RX130 Pro
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2011, 03:36:03 pm »
Excellent!  There's nothing quite like the feeling of a new boot that takes your skiing up a notch, especially at 30% off.  Will you be breaking them in at this summer's Portillo Clendenin camp?


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Re: Lange RX130 Pro
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2011, 04:22:53 pm »
There is nothing like a new pair of boots, especially if they help your skiing.

Lets see, 30% off Canadian = ~list US, oh well :'(.



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Re: Lange RX130 Pro
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2011, 08:57:29 am »
Thanks're so right..I was SOOOOO trying to hang on to the Raptors and never thought I'd be "booting up" in performance. The edge to edge quickness of this boot is much more noticeable than the Raptors. Still it's all about the fit and these seem to be spot on.
? ? ?The Toe Box actually allows my toes to move up and down freely, I mean I feel like there is a bubble over my toes. This movement does not have any negative? impact on performance and there is no toe bang. I think this is because the heel pocket is very snug, the upper cuff buckling and Boot strap are connected and fitted so well to my's just "bam" and turn. evolution and growth continues.

Meput and know guys I have such HUGE anxiety when even thinking about new boots. It's such a struggle for me to pull the trigger. At 50-60 times out per season, with all the slices on the sides of my boots looks like Freddy Kruger was wearing them. Still, I knew what I was dealing with. But had I known how much more "feel" I had with the new Lange,......yeah...I still had to be mentally ready to make the change. Pricing and availability were just the last straws that pushed me over the edge!  :o
? ? ?Todd...not sure about Portillo this summer...might have to miss this one. Alice and I are going to Italy end of may for 2 weeks for a 6 day bike ride in Puglia and a visit to the east coast, Pompei, Sorrento, and Capri, for hikes and amazing foods! But it IS on my back burner.
? ? Are you planning on going?? Best to all, Gary
« Last Edit: April 26, 2011, 08:59:36 am by Gary »


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Re: Lange RX130 Pro
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2011, 09:54:38 am »
Some percentage of the gain you are experiencing Gary is just the difference in stiffness and lateral stiffness. I seem to remember that you were in a Raptor 120 which skis out of the box in a 110 flex. The difference between that and a 130 flex boot is very significant. Obviously if this boot fits you better, then the benefits from that are significant as well. Each time you step up in stiffness it makes it impossible to go back. I never thought I would be skiing in a 170-180 flex boot (the dodge) but now that I am in it, I know I could not ski anything less stiff.

I will say again that the conventional wisdom about keeping sikiers in soft boots is really a fallacy!! My wife at 118 lbs skis in 110 flex boots and they are not even close to being too stiff and she is not nearly the skier that I am.

Great to hear tha you are loving the boots and that the performance gains are significant!!

Have Ron and Phil abondoned this site? Sure looks that way. Maybe they think it is has moved to far to the left into PMTS country.


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Re: Lange RX130 Pro
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2011, 12:33:15 pm »
Hey JB...I believe what your's all in the lateral stiffness. It's really hard to explain what that relates to in boot performance but it's truly a feel thing. It feels like the power of being on edge is instantaneous...... .it's bam...and it's there for as long as you want it...edge to edge, tip and's hooked up...pretty sweet I must admit.

I look forward to getting more time on it.

I know you're loving the Dodge.....But I wish there was some standarization for boot flexes....some bench mark all boots were goverend by. What I can say without a doubt, higher up the food chain in performance boots you go, the better the fit and the better the power transmission to the edges.

Nah, I don't think Ron or Phil think the site has moved to far to PMTS country....I think they've just become more active over at Epic.

Skiing is not surgery that needs to be performed in only one fashion....I love sharing ideas on what works for me and hearing what works for others... .and we all can be respectful and considerate. Whether PSIA or  PMTS or CLENDENIN.....there's a lot of great info to be sharred.

Hey...I was just checking the weather at Sunshine Ski Resort in Banff...still got wintere conditions....amazi ng!!!!

Best, g


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Re: Lange RX130 Pro
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2011, 12:57:43 pm »'s a couple shots of the inauguration run... ;D

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« Last Edit: April 27, 2011, 08:03:02 am by gandalf »


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Re: Lange RX130 Pro
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2011, 02:05:38 pm »
Looks like some nice wintery conditions in April. Very Nice!! In general I think April is one of the most underrated ski months. I used to always hit huge dumps in Colorado when I skied there in April. We were in MT from 4/7 through 4/17 and we saw almost 40 inches of snow and we had 3 good powder days and one them was truly epic. You are making me want to get on a plane and head to Canada for some late seaosn skiing!!


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Re: Lange RX130 Pro
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2011, 02:12:59 pm »
It's so true....there still can be great snow out there...It's so funny, you know when you're heading for the best burger place in town and you can taste that juice protein before you start your car..

Well I was tasting soft buttery spring snow to play was just like mid January complaints though....well maybe just one....a 12" dump would have been nice. We were however blessed with 2-4 inches each night....sweet!

Still..I hear fingers are so itching to dial Delta!!!  >:D


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Re: Lange RX130 Pro
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2011, 03:44:10 pm »
Yeah, and I think I actually got frostbite on my nose! In April!

OK, admittedly, it is a rather large schnozz, and it's a long way for the blood to flow to keep it warm....but still, it was cold out.? Amazing.? It's the never-ending winter out there.? I have skied Lake Louise for the past couple of years at end of March / early April, but never had conditions like we had this year, and in mid-April at that.? The last ski day, Monday the 18th, I swear it must have been at least -18 deg. C on the top of the Continental Divide on Sunshine Mtn.? Terryl (my wife, for those who don't know her) is flying back out there next week for five days of skiing, and if the forecast holds, it should be fantastic full-on winter conditions well into May.? Louise will still be staying open until the 8th, and Sunshine won't close until the 23rd.? Sweet! Anyone need Delta's number?

Well, I can report that Gary was pretty stoked when he found the new boots.? He was pensive and restless, like a caged bear, the day we were going to pick up the boots, and even worse the night before the Big Day on the slopes! But after a couple of runs, it was all smiles and raves.? Terryl had warned him about the fantastic power to the inside ski edge on those boots, but I don't think he really knew how much of a difference it could be.? Not sure what Lange does to achieve that, but it is remarkable.? FWIW, this winter I traded in a pair of Lange Comp Pro (120 flex) for a pair of Tecnica Inferno (110 flex, but in reality about the same stiffness as the Langes), and the first thing I noticed was a loss of edge grip and power to the inside edge.? Now, I gained other things -- better alignment, better flex pattern, better rebound energy, better heel/instep/cuff fit -- but I sure do miss that edge grip.? Edge power in the Tecnicas is excellent, but the Langes were in a whole other league.

So Gary.....what's the verdict on the forward lean shims in the boots? In or out? Terryl will be playing with forward lean on her new RS110's (same boot shell as Gary's RX130; different liner and boot board) when she skis there next week.? Just from initial tweaking indoors, it seems her balance is best with the shims in.? She was way in the back seat with no shims.? With shims in, she seems very centered........phy sically, that is........over her boots, I mean..... ::)?

« Last Edit: April 26, 2011, 03:51:10 pm by Svend »


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Re: Lange RX130 Pro
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2011, 12:42:40 pm »
OK, here's a test to see how the new forum works, and how it handles pictures....

During our Banff trip, after the 1st ski day at Louise, I convinced Gary (after much cajoling and persuasion) to let me drive the slow back road to Banff village.  Boy, are we glad we did, as about 20 km down, at a spot where the road runs close to the railroad tracks, we spotted a massive male grizzly bear sauntering down the tracks looking for spilled grain from the railcars.  He got within about 200 feet of our car, and we watched him for about 15 minutes.  An incredible sight! And what an amazing creature.  Needless to say, Gary's urgent "open-air bathroom break" was postponed until we were safely back within the walls of our hotel.  A great way to end a fantastic ski day in the Rockies.

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Re: Lange RX130 Pro
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2011, 12:58:36 pm »
WOW.  When I first saw that picture, I thought to myself "they need to not be that close to that animal."

Glad to hear you were at least inside your car (but probably minimal protection if the bear thought of Gary as lunch).  Save that picture, AWESOME.

And thanks for being the first RealSkiers/smfnew user.
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Re: Lange RX130 Pro
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2011, 02:25:04 pm »
The bear was looking rather hungrily at our car.  Probably saw the blue and green guy sitting in the passenger seat (see pictures above), and said to himself "Yum! A box of Smarties!"  :P   We fled before he could act on that urge.


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Re: Lange RX130 Pro
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2011, 06:38:25 am »
Quoting Gary, "I caved".  No surprise here G'man. We have all been there and done that, more than once. Some are known for caving when it comes to ski gear. One nomination is that cave becomes the official verb to describe getting new gear. Much more effective writing, instead of "I caved-in and bought a pair of Kastle 88's", just say "I caved Kastle 88's". We sure don't need them, we want them. ::)

I've noticed that when Gary wants something, he just pulls the trigger and gets it done. Take the S3's for a demo run, buy em that night. Put your foot in a new Lange, buy it now. I like that kind of decisiveness. Did anybody give the love to his old boots that Gary did in tweaking the Heads, and, now they are history. Tough love, live up to my needs...or, hit the road.

Nice pics of you skiing, were they in the old or new boots?

First post in the new forum style. It may take a little getting used to, but, first impressions are good.