Author Topic: On snow test: Dreamliner  (Read 2242 times)


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Re: On snow test: Dreamliner
« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2011, 05:21:14 pm »
Hey Lynn...

It's like Goldilocks and the 3's all about porridge.....

The first liner felt too thin...the thickest liner wouldn't fit into the boot, and the middle liner the toe box was too big..well almost like Goldilocks....

The only problem with the thinnest liner was that the upper cuff was too thin...
So using mans best friend....tape..I put a whole bunch of layers around the upper cuff...and those bad boys are dialed in.

I did have to do a little sanding in the toe box to accommodate the liners toe box but I've got them as comfy as a pea in a pod, a bug in a rug, a get it!  ;D

Lynn...having said all that...I really want to look into the Fischer Vacuum boot when it hits the shops...the process intrigues me....

I still think the Dreamliner is awesome especially the way the tongue contacts the's so even I have no hot spots and the flex is superb.

Best, G