Author Topic: Kastle FX94 vs. Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot ski recommendation  (Read 1802 times)


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Mike...more juice than the MX78.....hmmmm....n o for me than. Still worth the demo so we can compare notes. Now as far as your ash vs my ash and silver fir...that is a whole other story!!!
Similarly, I've found the 78 with a good tune solid on ice but can see the advantage of the RX in those conditions.

Since we are the same weight I'm curious to see have it compares  energy in energy out. A demo is in order.

Jim....I too want to demo the Chariot....just going to be hard to find.

Hey Mike...I hear skiing out west sucks everywhere....good ole New York is the place to ski baby!!! >:D

Best, g


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Jim, thanks for the additional info on the Ullr's.  Your comments are consistent with what I've heard from others.  The local shop is suggesting the FX94s.  Their recommendations have historically been very good. 

When I started skiing sans kids a few years ago, I took my Solomon Equipe 2s ... yes, from I believe 1996 or so ... in for a tune.  I'd bought them at the same shop.  They laughed and told me it was time for new skis and boots.  That's when they put me in the Kastle MX78s, as I told them I didn't want to rebuild an entire quiver of skis.

After experiencing the RXs, I'm back to wanting 'fit/designed for purpose' skis with minimal compromise.

Gary, demo the RXs.  Based on what you've described about what you like about the MX78s, you'll be hooked!


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I would think that you might like to demo the S3, the Blizzard one, Watea 98, as well as the UC.  They are all very good skis.  There is a good thread on Epic by Dawgcatching who is a respected reviewer that reviews many of the skis in this 90-100 size.  Unfortunately he did not have access to the UC.  Here are some links.


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I'd appreciate any additional recommendations on a UT based instructor, camp or other options for improvement.?? I hear the skiing in Colorado sucks compared to UT.? ?;) ::) >:D

Mike:? Peter Keelty (who provides this web site) is based in Utah (primarily at Snowbird) and still does some coaching and teaching.? And, he is probably known by the guys at Sport Loft.? He knows Harald Harb and includes Harald's opinion of skis on the pay site, and also worked with John Clendenin in the development of his book.  He's not PMTS certified, but he's local; unless he's gotten out of teaching in the past few years.? Ask the ownerof Sport Loft and see what they say?? At the very least, I would trust anyone that Peter recommended from the Utah area.

« Last Edit: January 30, 2011, 10:58:23 pm by jim-ratliff »


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Thanks Perry,  I'll check them out.  I appreciate the suggestions.

Gandalf,  good suggestion.  I heard from Peter and we're going to get up skiing in a couple of weeks.

Conclusion from most seems to be that the FX94 and Ullr's are very different skis.  I'll wait and make a decision after I've skied with Peter and hopefully get out for a day or so on various skis.


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p.s.  Who else on the board is from UT?


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This board is small but fun.  It can be slow at times.  The good part is that you generally get to know the folks here.  We are all avid (if not great) skiers.  I find that for me, I can trust opinions here better because I know the people who are voicing them better.  The EPIC site is bigger, busier, and more varied in terms of who is on etc.  I like them both but they serve different functions for me.  Both are useful.


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Mostly mid-atlantic to northeasterners on the board here.
J.Botti from the other seaboard.

A few migratory souls and many wanna be  UT/Co ites.

Many of us here have skied together at one time or another, so know each others skiing type.


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I have skied both and the Kastle is more precise and accurate, the Chariot is more playful with some of the most original graphics ever put on a ski.


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Thanks Phil, that's fairly consistent with what I've heard.  I'm hoping to get up on both the Kastle's and the Ski Logiks in the next couple of weeks.  The Ullr's Chariot custom top sheet at the Sport Loft here in SLC is beautiful.  Quite a contrast to the minimalist white of the MX and RX Kastle's I've been skiing the last few years!


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Thanks Phil, that's fairly consistent with what I've heard.? I'm hoping to get up on both the Kastle's and the Ski Logiks in the next couple of weeks.? The Ullr's Chariot custom top sheet at the Sport Loft here in SLC is beautiful.? Quite a contrast to the minimalist white of the MX and RX Kastle's I've been skiing the last few years!

The neat thing is that you can get any of their topsheets on any of their skis, just have to order it.
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