Author Topic: Xtra! Xtra! Read all about it!  (Read 531 times)


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Re: Xtra! Xtra! Read all about it!
« on: September 01, 2010, 11:51:36 am »
And like the diverging rivers, this is getting pretty deep.

By the way Ron, you get partial credit for Lynn's boots.? I followed your link to Phils store and, while i was there, decided that I should remember to check for Nordica boots for Lynn.? Hers was one of the few Hot Rod 115W sizes remaining, according to the web site, and all became history when she got off work the next morning.? As is obvious, she is very excited about not having to do the Heads anymore.? The Nordica's fit so well (even with a very tight shell fit) out of the box that I tried to talk her into buying them at retail a couple of times, but the 'shopper' in her would have none of that.

By the way, for any that don't know the story, this is not an indictment of Head ski boots.? Lynn has a long but very narrow foot.? The Nordica 115W is a 98 mm last in a moderate flex boot, which was not available 6 years ago in much other than race stiff boots, so her boot fitter took a 103mm last and "made it fit".? Once in them they fit well, getting in and out of them was a challenge that was always painful and sometimes required assistance.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2010, 12:05:00 pm by jim-ratliff »
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