Author Topic: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot  (Read 9059 times)


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Re: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot
« Reply #300 on: January 26, 2011, 03:28:22 pm »
even on powder Am's?

Ron, you must have an impure mind to even think such horrid thoughts? ;)? I'm the drill king, but even I know that all of those drills are simply preparation for powder morning bliss.? Lynn and Jim are real skiers and would never insult Ullr by rejecting his gift of powder ... unless that wayward Mariella has been whispering nonsense into Jim's ear? :o


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Re: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot
« Reply #301 on: January 26, 2011, 04:27:21 pm »
There is a ridge at my home mountain in MT. At the top of the ridge it averages around 45 degrees. Chutes are pretty much the only way into the ridge. I have always been a charge now kind of guy on Powder Days. I will tell you that skiing that ridge is a lot more fun after getting warmed up and reacquainting my body with the proper movements. It really is amazing the difference that it makes and I find I can stay out longer and ski better because I have not used so much energy in my first two runs on double black terrain trying to find my form. In Montana the crowds are light. At Squaw if you want any untracked you better charge hard and fast immediately. For me ideally two warm up runs on less steeep terrain is ideal before hitting the steeps (and this can be in less steep powder which is still fun). But when in Rome (Squaw) I charge hard from the get go!!


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Re: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot
« Reply #302 on: January 26, 2011, 08:47:53 pm »
even on powder Am's?

From Lynn on Jim's computer in Dillon, Co

Yes, BECAUSE the parking situation at Vail is not aimed at the day skier.
So rather than clomp along 1/8 of a mile in ski boots, carrying skis etc, we ride the gondola
to top of the moutain and change there.

The downside of this is that it takes many trails to get to the back bowls to access the powder.
SO WE USED THOSE TRAILS to warm up and practice? some technique.

Which I was really feeling the need for. Something was "off" in? my skiing and I was trying to figure it out.
MY mojo was lacking. The drills helped.

Having a a half day with HH today helped even more. Gee, he is so precise in his eye and able to pinpoint what the issue is and what the solution is.

Looking forward to more powder and crud days. The snow gods have been good. Jim's Ullrs are amazing. Beautiful and he skis them well. Able to handle easily, terrain which challenged him much more in the past. AND he is able to work technique with these wide boards. Seeing that in action has been inspiring.
d cr

« Last Edit: January 27, 2011, 08:50:06 am by midwif »
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Re: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot
« Reply #303 on: January 27, 2011, 08:02:12 am »
Hey Lynn....sounds like you're having a great time....plenty of snow to play in I'm sure.

So glad Jim has hit a homerun with his new sounds like the new gear is certainly improving his ability to take on more terrain. Very cool how that works.

Did Harold try to take them off Jims feet and give them a go?

One of my favorite warm up drills or on mountain drills is I love playing on snow ridges ..Harold has a great drill that focuses on keeping the skis connected to the's one of my favorite drill for skiing all mounain conditions. Another I like and a primary tool from John Clendenin is scraping in the uphill ski and re-centering on that ski....resulting in the use of all four edges. I would certainly agree waking up the mind and the feet before getting serious on the snow for the day is very wise.

Best, g


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Re: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot
« Reply #304 on: January 27, 2011, 08:54:46 am »
From Lynn on Jim's cmptr

No Gary, Jim hid in the trees with his fatties when HH was around >:D

Actually, Diana expressed an interest in demo'ing, but they are mid-camp this week.
I was lucky any instructor was willing to do a half day after camp. As you know, they are busy
doing alignment sessions post camp, making the insoles etc.

I thought maybe I had too much canting one one boot. Turns out it was the skier who had issues. ;) ;D

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Re: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot
« Reply #305 on: January 27, 2011, 01:22:01 pm »
Hah....hidding in the trees.....funny.... .but I could see Diana or Harold rippn' around with those beauties.

So you thought one day you were overcanted and found out all is much to think about....

What I think is cool Lynn is that you are paying attention to your feet...kudo's...."life begins there!"? ?:o

See...I can be deeply esoteric!? 8)


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Re: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot
« Reply #306 on: January 27, 2011, 04:11:40 pm »
Having a a half day with HH today helped even more. Gee, he is so precise in his eye and able to pinpoint what the issue is and what the solution is.

So what did his eye pinpoint and how did y'all solve it?  Inquiring minds want to know...


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Re: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot
« Reply #307 on: January 27, 2011, 09:05:04 pm »
Having a a half day with HH today helped even more. Gee, he is so precise in his eye and able to pinpoint what the issue is and what the solution is.

So what did his eye pinpoint and how did y'all solve it?  Inquiring minds want to know...

I typed up an attempt to explain, but I think the visual with the explanation in person next weekend will be MUCH better.
So, I will definitely show you the physical cue HH gave me which helped unlock (for me) a long held missing piece of the ski equation.  The drill I did with him is an exaggeration of the movement and once I got the physical sensation of what I needed to be doing, I was able to stop doing the "drill" and begin  to make it part of my skiing.

What I experienced today was WAY more control on steeps with no need for emergency type stops to slow my speed.

Looking forward to next weekend in  Vermont and skiing with you again.
Jim sends his appreciation of your sense of humor; Mariela sends you her regards ;)

SHE is sleeping in the car tonight! >:D

Lynn ;D
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Re: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot
« Reply #308 on: January 28, 2011, 01:08:15 pm »
Lynn....hey, how come he gets to see you unlock a missing piece and we don't? And what's up with that physical sensation the rest of us won't be able to see...I mean come on.... :-\

Sure Todd get's all the juicy stuff and what are we...chopped liver???? are our token female ski goddess....please be kind to your minions... >:D



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Re: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot
« Reply #309 on: January 28, 2011, 03:52:55 pm »

Lynn....hey, how come he gets to see you unlock a missing piece and we don't? And what's up with that physical sensation the rest of us won't be able to see...I mean come on.... :-\

Sure Todd get's all the juicy stuff and what are we...chopped liver????

? ;D? ;D? ;D


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Re: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot
« Reply #310 on: January 28, 2011, 08:27:05 pm »
Shortly after posting those smug smiles, I got in my car to drive up to Vermont for the weekend.? I think someone mentioned karma in another thread recently.? Well, I met up with mine ... lots of dashboard warning lights and no skiiing this weekend.? Or did I?? Gary, I gotta ask if you have psychokinesis or some other flavor of ESP.? That might explain certain previous posts?? :o? If so, I humbly beg your forgiveness and will wax your topsheets whenever you desire.


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Re: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot
« Reply #311 on: January 28, 2011, 08:32:08 pm »
Hate to hear about the car setback.  Hope you get a fast and inexpensive fix.  I know you got in a lot of days early in the season when the snow was falling. So it all evens out so to speak.  According to my Karma-meter, gloating is acceptable on this board. ;D ;D


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Re: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot
« Reply #312 on: January 28, 2011, 08:47:33 pm »
Lynn....hey, how come he gets to see you unlock a missing piece and we don't? And what's up with that physical sensation the rest of us won't be able to see...I mean come on.... :-\

Sure Todd get's all the juicy stuff and what are we...chopped liver???? are our token female ski goddess....please be kind to your minions... >:D



You too were invited to the Northeast PMTS meet up happening next weekend at Sugarbush!
That's where all the cool stuff will happen. And all kinds of "juicy" info will be passed on.
Oooh, that sounds on the edge of......
 >:D :D >:D
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Re: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot
« Reply #313 on: January 28, 2011, 10:47:56 pm »
Just an FYI on the Ski Logic booth at SIA
Sometimes you just need to let your Bad Self ski!!


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Re: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot
« Reply #314 on: January 29, 2011, 06:55:38 am »
Todd...what kind of ski man are you....DITCH THE CAR, HITCH A RIDE!!!!..

Lynn's showing all that juicy PMTS stuff...

Hey Lynn...I would love to make one of those events....guy get away with 6 buds at Holiday Valley and then Steamboat next Sunday...oh boy...such a difficult schedule.

Wishing you great snow at the "bush" and Todd....Todd...Todd .....don't make me ask what you're driving?

I can look your vehicle up in my Karmaprognasticator ....but maybe that's an expense you just don't want to incur ski season...OR maybe it is? >:D

Snow Hot...nice skins and plug for RS!!!

Have a fun filled ski weekend all...and Todd...feel our tears...hey...your car broke lame... >:D.? can't you take your wifes car, you buddies, your mom and dads...

Oh well...your just going to have to wait to see Lynns juicy tidbits another time! Sorry Jim...she offered!!! ::)

« Last Edit: January 29, 2011, 06:58:06 am by Gary »