cool, but hwy in Florida? And most importantly, no psycho-analysis would be complete without copias doses of mind atlerning drugs..... do tell?
? ?

AND Lynn...Jim's with you I'll bet.......cause he's stated often that you provide all the Therapy he ever needs!
So did he bring his Chariots with him?? 
Well Guys,
You may remember that Jim was in Vietnam. Spent most of his time there patrolling in the mountains around Da Nang (sp?).
The group would come back to the "hooch" which Jim describes as a partially underground large room with a ceiling made of sand bags.
And while our Jimmy did not actually "inhale" with purpose, there was no escaping the unrecycled air scented with the indolent sweet smell of..........
So you know, flashbacks, paranoia, ski hallucinations are all mixed up in there.
I have been trying to set him straight with quality beer and full bodied red wines.
The alternative chemical therapy appears to be working with occasional setbacks.
Alright. Jim is visiting the grandkids in Florida. No internet for him this weekend!
And he had a whole lot of fun making up Jbottis "uncharacteristic"!
Clearly, what this all highlights, is some of us just need to get on the snow.
Snowatella tonight!