Author Topic: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot  (Read 9088 times)


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Re: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot
« Reply #300 on: January 27, 2011, 08:02:12 am »
Hey Lynn....sounds like you're having a great time....plenty of snow to play in I'm sure.

So glad Jim has hit a homerun with his new sounds like the new gear is certainly improving his ability to take on more terrain. Very cool how that works.

Did Harold try to take them off Jims feet and give them a go?

One of my favorite warm up drills or on mountain drills is I love playing on snow ridges ..Harold has a great drill that focuses on keeping the skis connected to the's one of my favorite drill for skiing all mounain conditions. Another I like and a primary tool from John Clendenin is scraping in the uphill ski and re-centering on that ski....resulting in the use of all four edges. I would certainly agree waking up the mind and the feet before getting serious on the snow for the day is very wise.

Best, g