Author Topic: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot  (Read 9088 times)


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Re: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot
« on: August 30, 2010, 02:17:41 pm »
Jim, I'm not sure how many 100m waisted skis you have been on but I will tell you in advance that just by the size of the waist they are much harder to get on edge and to get high/deep edge angles with. It's also very easy to dig the inside ski while carving when the waist is that wide. The Chariot has that tight turn radius which will make edge lock carving tight turns possible, IMO it will still require a lot of work, balance and precision. The reward for this may be an incredible do everything ski, but I wanted to warn you in advance. Even though this ski has a 15m TR it is still 100m underfoot and the ski will be cumbersome. The dream of that perfect one ski quiver lingers, but a reality check tell us that if you want to carve tight turns with high edge angles get on a 66mm waisted ski with 12m TR.

Having said all that I am dying to see how the Chariots ski on hard snow. My guess is that they will be the best 100mm ski either of us have ever skied on groomed terrain. Or at least I hope so!!