Author Topic: Decision time - Dynastar 8000 vs Watea 78 vs Head iM78  (Read 759 times)


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Re: Decision time - Dynastar 8000 vs Watea 78 vs Head iM78
« on: September 21, 2009, 07:48:46 am »
Kastle MX88 ;)

The new Nordica 78 waisted Hot Rod "flat", it is a Monster 78 with a personality. Forget what you know of Nordica system skis, the flat 78 and 84's are muuch nicer than the Head Monsters and beefier than the Watea. I haven't skied the 8K, but knowing how Dynastars ski, better then them too. These skis will get very little press, but are some of the best flat ski values out there.