Author Topic: Thermix boot heaters; feedback please  (Read 832 times)


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Re: Thermix boot heaters; feedback please
« on: May 03, 2009, 02:20:34 pm »

given the modification of your current ski boots, I think it's a wise idea to begin your replacement search. Perhaps a professional fitter might provide some insight?

There is a shop in our neck of the woods, which encourages you to "test drive" their boots.  They will ski with you to make their observations, watch you on video, etc. generally spending a few days focused on the task of fitting the skier with the proper boots.

The Viking can add his own two bits with respect to a couple of shops in The Rockies.  Also an interesting hands-on approach.

I've skied three seasons in my Langes and have not experienced any packing out. No cold piggies either except for a memorable N.Year's Eve @ -22F.

Designer ski boots?  Karl Lagerfeld made an attempt with leather croc. skis (sorry Ron, nothing artistic, just ridiculous   :) ), and Pucci made a foray with their colorful suits, but what if you had to coordinate the entire "look"?  How does it differ from the current trend? For example: Orange skis with a coordinating jacket? Green accents to match fore and aft? You are NOT alone Lynn!! ;D

Obviously to be continued.....

Terryl  ;)