Author Topic: Thermix boot heaters; feedback please  (Read 831 times)


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Re: Thermix boot heaters; feedback please
« on: May 02, 2009, 07:08:21 pm »
Hi Terryl!
Yes, the short list is Head/Nordica.
Based on my belief that Harold Harb knows boots
and specifically knows which ones fit narrow feet. Both these
brands have models with a narrow last.

Lange has an "old" reputation for having boots that fit a narrow foot.
My previous pair before my current Head boots were Langes, based on
reading that now redundant info. The Langes I had were packed out
within a few weeks of regular skiing and I was once again ?sloshing around
in them. ?NO alcohol involved. ;)

I have decided to return the Thermic boot warmers. The heating wire is embedded in a thick
foot insert. I think that would interfere with my custom footbed. And I want batteries that are Lithium,
not the "must empty" ones. I currently have NiMH and they require ?increased vigilance to use correctly.

I have learned my lesson. Run all this technical ?battery stuff by Jim first. He knows most of it off the top of his head.
Foolish me. :D

Now, if Choo or Zanotti would only get into ski boots........wait a minute, forget it. Can barely afford ski boots NOW!
Can you imagine the cost of designer ski boots???? :o :o :o

"Play it Sam"