Author Topic: Digging for.....  (Read 246 times)


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Re: Digging for.....
« on: July 11, 2008, 08:35:59 am »
thanks Guys!? I really appreciate the good thoughts and prayers and here is the "story" that Gary had come up with.? It's so "gary"...

The true story behind Ron?s leg injury was one he wishes to conceal for obvious reasons? know Ron, his boots, the deck, etc?I have it from a good source while in his ski boots, clicked into his skis, standing on the deck after 5 espressos, 3 glasses of wine and a stick of pepperoni, he watered down his deck, got into his tuck position and one leg slipped off the deck leaving the other suspended on the deck. Needless to say, fire and rescue were called, (there are actual photo?s in the Annandale Gazette) and with the use of a small crane, they were able to extract him from his awkward position. During the extraction process, his right leg got entangle in a lovely Japanese Yew, (you know how they can be) and one yank of the crane later, muscles in his groin exceeded MSC (maximum stretch capacity) and a nasty tear incurred.
After months of trying to find a doctor who would be willing to listen to insistent ski stories and espresso machine comparisons, he finally hit upon a snowboard Dr. that is more let?s say?.loose in the brain (elnuttso) than he?.(Yes I know I fit into that category as well) so July 14th, he get?s FIXED. Keehee hee?.Ron?s getting fixed?.Make?s me chuckle!!

I will ask for pictures since Lynns obssessed with my lower abs....... yeah baby.....