Author Topic: coffee, french press and espresso  (Read 2509 times)


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Re: coffee, french press and espresso
« Reply #165 on: August 07, 2008, 03:00:44 pm »
Yes, the "powers that be" are ta da da da......Jim Ratliff or his alter ego, Gandalf!! Mild mannered computer geek by day, skiforum superhero at alternate times!! >:D

The abuse continues....... ;D ;D
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Re: coffee, french press and espresso
« Reply #166 on: August 07, 2008, 07:36:20 pm »
Ahhh, I get Jim is Gandalf, as in the powerful and benevolent wizard in Lord of the Rings.  So the unwitting reference to the High Inquisitor and Exalted Administrator wasn't far off the mark, eh? Very cool.  8) And obviously more respect is due.  Must remember that, and watch my P's and Q's, lest I get struck by a well-aimed spell from his mighty wand.  At least he doesn't know where I live...somewhere in Canada is all I will reveal, and it's a BIG country. 

Well, thanks Gandalf, for sorting out the picture problem.  In the spirit and theme of this forum, more coffee-related pics will be revealed!



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Re: coffee, french press and espresso
« Reply #167 on: August 07, 2008, 08:45:16 pm » works! Thanks Jim.? From your fiddling with this, am I to assume that you are The High Inquisitor and Exalted Administrator himself? This lofty position doesn't seem to afford you much more respect from the members, though, as you seem to get as much abuse as the rest of the lot.? ?;D? The burdens of high office...sigh...



Well, respect is something that is earned and not simply given. In this case, if I had rippled the change through all of the user groups instead of only those that actually had members then this would have been a moot point. I also forgot that the Open Discussion forum had an explicit set of permissions while all of the other groups use a shared default set.? Basides, the other moderators have actually seen me ski, and I also have 5/8ths of an inch of space between my heel and my shell.? No wonder I get no respect.

Have to confess that Gandalf (and various permutations) has been my favorite username since I first read Tolkien and "The Hobbit" about 30 years ago.

And yes, post your coffee pictures; all that stuff about a pixel based content filter is just BS.? Things like that exist, but they are mostly in use at 3 letter federal agencies (NSA, CIA, DHS, FBI) doing facial recognition and require more horsepower and a larger database than a small web server has.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 09:22:58 pm by jim-ratliff »
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Re: coffee, french press and espresso
« Reply #168 on: August 07, 2008, 09:27:55 pm »
Yes, the "powers that be" are ta da da da......Jim Ratliff or his alter ego, Gandalf!! Mild mannered computer geek by day, skiforum superhero at alternate times!! >:D

The abuse continues....... ;D ;D

Actually, Lynn, I consider the "computer geek" monitor somewhat of an insult (maybe your intent  ??? ??? ).? Computer geeks, IMHO, often see computers as an end and a toy in themselves, often forgetting that computers really only exist to help people accomplish their daily tasks.? They sometimes become a bit self absorbed at the expense of the people (the users of the sytems) that ultimately pay the bills.

As an example, what has been your experience with automated systems in hospitals?? Someone as old as you can certainly remember the manual chart systems as they used to exist. Do the computer systems make it easier for you to do your job?  They certainly automate the billing and insurance stuff, but often at the expense of the front line people that enter the information into the sytems.

Sorry for the hijack, lets get this ski forum back to coffee and expresso machines.

« Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 09:30:18 pm by jim-ratliff »
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Re: coffee, french press and espresso
« Reply #169 on: August 07, 2008, 11:02:42 pm »
EEWWW, I have been hoisted on my own petard!!!
Yes, Gandalf, I was attempting to insult you, but in the nicest possible way!!
And yes, at my advanced age, I have seen the move from paper trails to computer ones in the hospitals. WITH MIXED RESULTS. I can often do an entire written triage or admission note much faster than by the computer.
I would love to be served by computers, please,please, serve me.
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Re: coffee, french press and espresso
« Reply #170 on: August 08, 2008, 12:53:54 am »
I would love to be served by computers, please,please, serve me.

Been there, done that, didn't get the T-Shirt.  ;D You forget so soon all of the serving and shlepping and ski carrying that I did for you at RealSkiersII last year.
How unappreciated that makes me feel.   ???  :'(  I am trying to be very nice this year, looking for Gary to be the offender and subsequent lugger of luggage.

Maybe if you took a typing/keyboarding class the computer wouldn't be so challenging?  ???
No, seriously, I know of lots of "systems" where computer geeks (aka, in this case, Requirements Management Specialists) tried to design things all over again rather than just looking at the paper forms that had evolved over time and saying "Voila, this looks like a good place to start."

And, thank you very much, it was a very nice insult.  The best insults always seem to sound innocent on the surface.
For example, when the woman says "honey, do I look too fat in this dress?"  Innocent sounding, nothing but quicksand underneath.

Pretty late post, I assume you are working the night shift??
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Re: coffee, french press and espresso
« Reply #171 on: August 08, 2008, 03:34:00 am »
Damn, caught again on the internet at work.
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Re: coffee, french press and espresso
« Reply #172 on: August 08, 2008, 08:24:26 am »
I believe mr. Cassara has already qualified and has earned his "porter for RSIII" status......


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Re: coffee, french press and espresso
« Reply #173 on: August 08, 2008, 09:35:50 am »
Lynn..I'm wondering if computers can assist in putting one's boots on....I'm sure out there someone is writing that very program complete with sound affects!

Jim...we must work on that 5/8th's....maybe some Botox injections for your heel or better yet...any magical spells to enlarge ones FEET......

Now Ron keeps cursing me with schlepping and portering...I think Ron can carry the burden of any guilt I feign to have and the fact that he's younger and I remedy his skis from all sorts of natural and un-natural disaster, I feel that he could easily handle this minor distraction.

For me....I'm just chugging along counting down the days till the RS meet and really get down and dirty over how to keep your coffee maker race tuned, which filters provide the best consistency, and can a French press more than a German. I think I got it right!

Now let's get back to the bean talk please!



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Re: coffee, french press and espresso
« Reply #174 on: August 08, 2008, 10:48:21 am »
"Can a French Press more than a German"

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Hey I am not one with the "Cat and STP on the pants comments" bud!  You have earned your porter-role for this season, or unless you are willing to trade for two tunes on Lyn's boards?????? (stay-tuned for the backlash)


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Re: coffee, french press and espresso
« Reply #175 on: August 08, 2008, 12:53:17 pm »
Thanks for the support. Ya know, with all those rocks I did not avoid at SB last year, I REALLLY, REALLY could use two tunes this trip.  >:D >:D

Hmm, who has the bigger triceps and traps, the french or the german??
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Re: coffee, french press and espresso
« Reply #176 on: August 08, 2008, 12:58:58 pm »
Gotta go with the German's here.. Where's Gary? It's 3pm and It's really slow at work.....


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Re: coffee, french press and espresso
« Reply #177 on: August 10, 2008, 02:27:18 pm »
Lynn..I'm wondering if computers can assist in putting one's boots on....I'm sure out there someone is writing that very program complete with sound affects!

Jim...we must work on that 5/8th's....maybe some Botox injections for your heel or better yet...any magical spells to enlarge ones FEET......


Sorry, can't quite resist.? ?;D? ;D Wow, Gary, I have been so naive I completely misunderstood this.? I see those ads all the time for "male enhancement" and absolutely didn't realize they were talking about the feet.? Do you think that approach would be preferable to just getting my next pair of boots shell fitted now that you and Ron have explained how it's done??? Have you had any luck with such drugs and stuff?? ?>:D  Is is possible that all appendages are affected at the same time??

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Re: coffee, french press and espresso
« Reply #178 on: August 10, 2008, 07:53:43 pm »
This has been an interesting thread. It started out as a side bar deserving its own thread, floated into the arena of cars, new ski jackets and dream machines. A few gratuitous pics of a variety of subjects and floating back and forth between lubricants, botox and coffee beans!!
"Play it Sam"