Gary, this is a site that is about coffee...... 
....and hernias, and ED, and colourblindness (but only Gary's).....
Ron, the grinder is awesome! Love it! Perfect shots, time after time. As long as I don't spazz out and get the tamp all crooked and skewed, it's a dream. I really like the doserless design, too. Just hold the portafilter under the spout, push the button, and fill 'er up. Level it, tap on the counter, tamp 'er down real gentle, and sweet elixir comes out every time. Nice! The Espro clicking tamper really helps...makes it repeatable and consistent. I really like it, as it takes one more variable out of the equation of aiming for perfect shots.
As far as I know, it's a very similar design to your Mazzer, but not stepless. Each step gives about a five to six second increase or decrease in shot volume, which is just fine for me. And I can switch to french press or moka pot grind in no time.
PS -- I used to have the ability to post pics here, but that privilege seems to have been taken away. Can't find a way to insert an image...clicking Additional Options doesn't show the insert image option....can anyone help with this?