Author Topic: coffee, french press and espresso  (Read 2504 times)


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Re: coffee, french press and espresso
« Reply #165 on: August 07, 2008, 08:45:16 pm » works! Thanks Jim.? From your fiddling with this, am I to assume that you are The High Inquisitor and Exalted Administrator himself? This lofty position doesn't seem to afford you much more respect from the members, though, as you seem to get as much abuse as the rest of the lot.? ?;D? The burdens of high office...sigh...



Well, respect is something that is earned and not simply given. In this case, if I had rippled the change through all of the user groups instead of only those that actually had members then this would have been a moot point. I also forgot that the Open Discussion forum had an explicit set of permissions while all of the other groups use a shared default set.? Basides, the other moderators have actually seen me ski, and I also have 5/8ths of an inch of space between my heel and my shell.? No wonder I get no respect.

Have to confess that Gandalf (and various permutations) has been my favorite username since I first read Tolkien and "The Hobbit" about 30 years ago.

And yes, post your coffee pictures; all that stuff about a pixel based content filter is just BS.? Things like that exist, but they are mostly in use at 3 letter federal agencies (NSA, CIA, DHS, FBI) doing facial recognition and require more horsepower and a larger database than a small web server has.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 09:22:58 pm by jim-ratliff »
"If you're gonna play the game boy, ya gotta learn to play it right."