Author Topic: Problem with Salomon Z12 Ti Bindings  (Read 540 times)


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Re: Problem with Salomon Z12 Ti Bindings
« on: January 29, 2008, 08:04:01 pm »

Good to hear that they work for you in the rearmost position. 

My honest opinion, I would take them back to where you bought them and tell them the track is mis-mounted and the skis either need to be replaced or the track remounted at no cost.  Skis, especially with bindings) are just too expensive to tolerate.  If they were OK as you skied them, they might be even better if you could move them back another 10mm.

There is seldom any harm in asking, and even if they refuse you know that at least you can still use the skis.
"If you're gonna play the game boy, ya gotta learn to play it right."