Author Topic: new Foot Beds / orthodic today  (Read 2384 times)


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Re: new Foot Beds / orthodic today
« Reply #30 on: October 15, 2007, 01:37:47 pm »
;D ;D ;D? ;D

Ron, thank you very much.? Lacking ANY common sense, I think I will use the shovel for what it was intended rather than dropping it.? (Hi Lynn)

OK, so is that the reason that, to this day, we feeble men refer to some women as HOT.? ?;D? (and, to be fair, I guess we refer to others as chilly or downright frigid)? ?::)

If that is the human 'adaptation' (as opposed to evolution), then all women should be 156 pound bowling balls with toothpick legs.? However, I have seen many examples where the Scandinavian (i.e.cold climate) women don't look anything like that??? ?:o

No, no I doubt many women with that body stucture would survive long enough. Your example of scandanavian woman is a perfect example but that same woman wouldn't fare very well on the African planes where a long legs, long arms, dark skin, flatenned nostrils and lager skin pores help survive hot arid climates. The scandinavian woman with thicker limbs (traps heat and more effecient in colder climates), narrow nose (traps heat), lighter skin (absorbs more heat), narrower pores (trap heat) aslo straighter longer body hair. Would be the more dominate, more likely to thrive body type, This is not the same as ability to reproduce.

Assuming males haven't changed (adapted) very much over the years (we still don't think with our brains), then why would our ancestors choose to mate with the logical companion who is going to survive.? Our ancestors (like lemmings to the sea) would continue to mate with the blond hottie that wasn't going to make it through the next blizzard??? ?;D

See above, "over the years" is just part of the issue, its how we adapt to the climate and terrain. In many instances, we have changed dramtatically, in others not much.Technically speaking males in general have not been very good at mongomy but have been very proficient in spreading the genitic code. Interestingly, all cultures across the spectrum are gentically programmed to view women with very specific and exacting ratio of facial ratios and body size ratios as the prefered or most desired. This could mean very thin or very heavy but the ratios of waist to hip are all the same. ?here's and interesting paper on it. ?God made great stuff!


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Re: new Foot Beds / orthodic today
« Reply #31 on: October 15, 2007, 02:06:59 pm »
Okay Ron, you win the intellectually correct award!!
 And you are quite correct. Not only would I not have survived at #156/5#4 on either the plains of Africa or the fjords, no one have picked me to spread their genetic code with! ;D
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Re: new Foot Beds / orthodic today
« Reply #32 on: October 15, 2007, 02:10:15 pm »
Ron, I think you and Jim should have a public debate on all issues related to cold body parts.

This could be held at the Boat at a local Spirits establishment and the gavel shall not fall until multiple drinks have been consumed.

Lynn and I volunteer, (if I may so respectfully do so) to video the entire episode.

How we elect to use the gathered information i(extortion) is solely at our discretion.

I like it!



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Re: new Foot Beds / orthodic today
« Reply #33 on: October 15, 2007, 02:11:51 pm »
hmmm, Gary, Lets stick to the skiers rule # 5 or 6, only discuss skiing, ski's or the weather and how much snow we're supposed to get that night  ;D


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Re: new Foot Beds / orthodic today
« Reply #34 on: October 15, 2007, 02:17:03 pm »
Ron, I think you and Jim should have a public debate on all issues related to cold body parts.

Ron and I don't have COLD body parts, so we are eminently unsuited for that part of the conversation.  (well, his feet maybe).
I respectfully decline to use said shovel any more today.
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Re: new Foot Beds / orthodic today
« Reply #35 on: October 15, 2007, 02:19:36 pm »
4:30, time to walk the dog and have a glass of wine!


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Re: new Foot Beds / orthodic today
« Reply #36 on: October 15, 2007, 07:52:09 pm »
Gary, do you notice how Ron and Jim have bonded together on this topic? I think your suggestion of a 'cold off' is a great one.
However, I give the edge to the tee totaler, Jim, who will probably have no beer or Pinot Noir on board. Unless we can convert him this trip, to a moderate, alcohol drinking adult who appreciates, as Jesus did, one of the finer things in life!

All things in moderation.....exce pt skiing. It's really okay to go a bit overboard on that! Unless it's in unsafe in/outbound conditions, of course. ;) :D
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Re: new Foot Beds / orthodic today
« Reply #37 on: October 16, 2007, 07:20:01 am »
Yes Lynn, I did notice the tribes united, intellectual spirits, one that likes the shovel and one that likes the spirits, (well maybe more of us that like the spirits)....hows about we could forgo the shovel and spirits and switch to anchovies.......... .......should level the playing field.

Wouldn't want to ski behind either of them the next day!

I'm imagining our being all together will generate some very interesting discussions!

I'm thinking when we're all together, we'll need to have a "word" or "signal" that tells the speaker that the direction their conversation is headed is or may be offending someone and to cease and desist.........what might such a word be to halt this potential offensive ybe "Schuss, or Eyeball, or Buckle" something easy to remember like "Snow"? I heard that some spousal relationships have their secret word that wards off all sorts of potential danger.

Hmmm....Steamboat is a very, very big mountain  8)



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Re: new Foot Beds / orthodic today
« Reply #38 on: October 16, 2007, 07:32:46 am »
I second the "key" word suggestion, I propose "ixnay" pronounced "icksnay" I think its from an old Steve Martin comedy routine.

Now back to the wine..... how can that be offensive? (unless we;re talking about white zinfendel :) ) Yes Lynn, correct, first mentioned miracle and all...
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 07:57:37 am by Ron »


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Re: new Foot Beds / orthodic today
« Reply #39 on: October 16, 2007, 07:36:40 am »
Since my punishment was 'schlepping luggage'
I propose that the word be "schlep" and the number of times it's repeated indicates the severity of the coming conflagration.

So ?"schlep-schlep-schlep" ?is really something severe (as in cover your head you're about to get clobbered) "schlep-schlep" is potentially severe (put the shovel down severe) whereas a single "schlep" means there is thin ice on the lake - are you sure you want to step out on it?

Alternately, "shut up you stupid idiot" isn't a single word but may convey the thought.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 07:50:20 am by jim-ratliff »
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Re: new Foot Beds / orthodic today
« Reply #40 on: October 16, 2007, 07:45:29 am »

However, I give the edge to the tee totaler, Jim, who will probably have no beer or Pinot Noir on board. Unless we can convert him this trip, to a moderate, alcohol drinking adult who appreciates, as Jesus did, one of the finer things in life!

Lynn misquoted what I shared with her a bit, but nothing new there.  ;)  I am not a tee-totaler, I just drink alcohol very sparingly and carefully.  I'm not exactly a 'recovering alcoholic', but close.   :'(

Want she won't realize until we get to Steamboat is that the real challenge is converting me to an adult at all.
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Re: new Foot Beds / orthodic today
« Reply #41 on: October 16, 2007, 07:56:29 am »
I like the enthusiasm brought to the table....and would agree that only cheap box and crappy wines should get the "shlep, shlep, shlep" nod.

Not to sure on the "stupid idiot" accusation phrase cause it might escalate the situation.....think "political niceness"!

Ix nay when said aloud may sound a bit too similar to an actual hiccup which occurs often during dinner and would be maddening, confusion and may send darting eyes of suspicion off in directions across the table.

No...something clearly mmmm.....flares? no, might cause grave consternation among other parties near by....

Wait......what's the most common word yelled out in a crowd ..................."Bingo" one outside our table would know of the potential verbal doom curtailed...... could be sung, exclaimed, with no one outside the RS circle ever the wiser!

I just scare myself sometime......well all the time!



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Re: new Foot Beds / orthodic today
« Reply #42 on: October 16, 2007, 08:01:38 am »
Too funny!  LOLROTF ;D

OK, in a certain Sienfeld episode, George and Jerry use the code word "tippy toes" as the cue. In another episode, Elaine and Jerry use tapping the top of thier head as a "rescue me" signal at parties......

All else fails, a good whack with a ski pole may work too!  I do like the "Schlep" word.   flares are good too but take up too much room in the jacket.....


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Re: new Foot Beds / orthodic today
« Reply #43 on: October 16, 2007, 08:13:26 am »
LOL as well.? I really like "BINGO".

And all of us that have had kids will remember ---

There was a farmer 'had a dog
And Bingo was his name-o
And Bingo was his name-o

Soooo, we wouldn't even have to say BINGO, just start the song and everyone can chime in with "bingo".

I had a negative experience with a smoke grenade, so I think I would prefer to stay away from the flares (and the shovels).
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 08:16:37 am by jim-ratliff »
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Re: new Foot Beds / orthodic today
« Reply #44 on: October 16, 2007, 08:31:38 am »
oh, this is shaping up to be a fine trip....  59 days folks.....

8" on the top the other day......