Author Topic: new Foot Beds / orthodic today  (Read 2383 times)


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Re: new Foot Beds / orthodic today
« Reply #15 on: October 15, 2007, 12:48:31 pm »
 ;D ;D ;D? ;D

Ron, thank you very much.? Lacking ANY common sense, I think I will use the shovel for what it was intended rather than dropping it.  (Hi Lynn)

OK, so is that the reason that, to this day, we feeble men refer to some women as HOT.? ?;D? (and, to be fair, I guess we refer to others as chilly or downright frigid)? ?::)

If that is the human 'adaptation' (as opposed to evolution), then all women should be 156 pound bowling balls with toothpick legs.? However, I have seen many examples where the Scandinavian (i.e.cold climate) women don't look anything like that??? ?:o

Assuming males haven't changed (adapted) very much over the years (we still don't think with our brains), then why would our ancestors choose to mate with the logical companion who is going to survive.? Our ancestors (like lemmings to the sea) would continue to mate with the blond hottie that wasn't going to make it through the next blizzard??? ?;D
« Last Edit: October 15, 2007, 12:52:41 pm by jim-ratliff »
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