Author Topic: new Foot Beds / orthodic today  (Read 2387 times)


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Re: new Foot Beds / orthodic today
« on: October 11, 2007, 02:37:55 pm »
Jim, I've used the Boot Gloves and they do help but found that the snow sometimes gets packed under it at the toe and seems I had colder feet then.

Having said that, I now put them out to pasture and use the paper thin toe warmers on top of my toes in my boots. The same company that makes those hand warmes makes the toe warmers too. They don't affect the foot angle in the boot as I place them on top of my toes to the top of the sock.? I was surprised how well they fit and how they help keep my feet warm. The big test was Jackson Hole last year when the temperatures started out at 23 deg. F BELOW.....those little toe heaters saved the day. I buy the Hand heaters and toe heaters by the box for Alice and I. Saweeeet...they work awesome. Don't usually need the hand warmers but when it's below 0 or cold and high winds, them little babies do the trick.

Ron's set up is slick...should keep his tootsies quite comfortable. But if you don't want to spend the bucks, try the toe warmers...they work.
