Author Topic: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot  (Read 9057 times)


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Re: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot
« Reply #315 on: March 11, 2011, 06:04:46 pm »
Lynn and I stopped at Jeannie Thoren's shop in Vail so Lynn could demo a Ski Logik and a Head Power One. Jeannie raved about the Ski Logik. She has designed her own artwork, stocks that model in the store and has sold 18 pair this year, and feels that the price is likely to go up and that popularity is going to explode. Anyway, the main point is her initial experience that sold her on the ski. She was skiing Riva's Ridge on a day when it was so icy it reminded her of a water injected race course. She could not believe that a ski so wide could hold on that slope, and also do soft snow and crud as well!
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Re: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot
« Reply #316 on: March 12, 2011, 09:29:56 am »
SkiLogik is a kick ass company. It's the little secret around here, at Aspen and Vail. I'm new to the forum, I'll post my own review about it as soon as I can.

I have the SkiLogik Rave in 175.

It is without a doubt, my favorite ski.

It's great for carving, bumps, steeps, deep powder, you name it. I've been on this ski for over a month now and every time I'm on it I just love it more. Everyone I talk to loves it, too.

Yesterday I was at Highlands. Did two trips and 1/2 trips up the Bowl. On the first trip the top of the Bowl was winter snow, lower bowl was mank. My skis were just so fine. The second trip, half of the bowl was Spring snow (it was warm yesterday). Then we walked up and did Flip's Leap. This ski is a twin tip (makes me feel young). Peter said a twin tip is not a ski for steeps. I don't know about other twin tips, but this one kicks ass on the steeps. We skied Whips Veneration, Full Curl and Flips Leap. All those lines are 45 degree plus. They were lovely, hold the snow like you're glued to it.

They're also great for tripping up the bowl, because they're light. Metal skis are heavy!

Both my young buddies want my skis.

It's quick, really good for bumps. And it carves well. I'm not a big high angles guy, because my lower back is stiff. But I can get nice tracks on them, using of course what I learned from the Skunk.

I love, my SkiLogik's.

Next year I'm getting two more pair, with my own custom graphics. I'm thinking Highland Bowl on one, Grouse Mountain on the other.

Not only that, the owner pays his employees health insurance and he cares about the planet. It's a great little company, please support SkiLogik.


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Re: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot
« Reply #317 on: August 31, 2011, 09:00:29 pm »
WOW. Peter hadn't changed his opinion of the Ski Logik skids.  Says that the Ullr's Chariot is once again a prime contender for ski of the year.

I'm not regretting my purchase yet.  ;)
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Re: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot
« Reply #318 on: October 24, 2011, 08:39:21 am »

I had let my Real Skiers subscription lapse and just got around to renewing it.  Lo and behold, Peter picked my beloved Ullr's Chariots as the overall ski of the year again.  I have included his brief below.
Thank you John Botti for talking me into buying these last year.


This is the first time we've picked a ski two years back-to-back.

We had very strong candidates this year, including Elan's Amphibio WF 82 xti which became the Big Mountain Carver of the Year, but in the final analysis, we had to go with the Chariot (and it's female-specific companion, the Goddess). These skis represent the current benchmark for versatility.

Race skis carve better, but these are respectable. Rockers render powder easier, but not all that much easier. Other skis are quicker in bumps, but not all that much quicker. And so on . . .

Simply put, the Chariot and Goddess are the most versatile, terrain-balanced, do-everything, skiable-by-almost-anyone, 1-ski-quivers we've yet come across and so are our picks, again, for Overall Skis of the Year.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2011, 01:53:02 pm by jim-ratliff »
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Re: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot
« Reply #319 on: October 24, 2011, 01:17:49 pm »
33 pages and the Ski Logic Chariots are still going strong!

Well done! Two "Ski of the Year" winners and still on the same pair of skis. What foresight! Heck, Ron was probably never on one "Ski of the Year" and he buys 2 new each year.

I like Peter's logic, not the best at anything, but, very, very close. I  could live with that. I give him credit for remaining true to his principle's and sticking his neck out for a second year on a ski that many say is ok.

At Epic, if your not on a DPS Wailer or Blizzard Bonifide, you are not at the cutting edge.  :-* Anybody know how they graded in Real Skiers?


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Re: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot
« Reply #320 on: October 24, 2011, 02:07:22 pm »

Well, as usual HelluvaSkier said it best in his signature: "All-Mountain: A common descriptive term for boots or skis that are designed to perform equally poorly under a variety of conditions and over many different types of terrain"

Of course, I wonder whether that also applies to "all-mountain" skiers, which is how I would like to see myself.  I AM able to perform equally poorly in a variety of conditions and on different types of terrain??

LP:  I could tell you what the RealSkier reviews for those skis are, but then Lynn would have to shoot you because I gave away the classified secrets.

If people are looking for powder skis there are better skis even in the SkiLogik line, as HighAngles has said over on PMTS. 
FreeSkier magazine picked the Howitzer (tip rocker) for their "micro brew" award last year.
Powder Magazine awarded SkiLogik Howitzer a "Skier's Choice" award -- I don't know what that means.
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Re: Ski Logik Ullr's Chariot
« Reply #321 on: January 14, 2013, 02:21:35 pm »

An interesting post from EpicSki regarding factory tune on Ski Logik skis.  I didn't know this, but one of the first things I had done to mine was a base check (they were fine) and a retune to .7 base and 2 degree side.

3/15/12 at 4:14pm

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    Met the Ski Logic Rep. today. He says the Chariot's come with a 0 base bevel from they factory and that the compnay is "LEARNING'
    Well that would explain grabby!
    He retuned his to .5/3
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