Author Topic: SkiLogik Rave  (Read 2236 times)


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SkiLogik Rave
« on: March 12, 2011, 10:36:44 am »

Based on a tip from here, I bought a pair of SkiLogik's. I didn't go for the Ullr, I went for the Rave. Because for me, 92 under foot is more than enough. I figured if I didn't like them, I could always sell them to my young ski friends.

I've skied them about a month now. I just love them. They're great everywhere, and I'm really surprised how well they do in the bumps, my favorite playground. BTW, I follow what the Skunk teaches. I always will, because no one lays out the movements better than the Skunk. But I follow the Skunks movements, not his message. Enough about the Skunk.

Peter said to me that a twin tip wouldn't be any good on steeps. I haven't found that to the case at all. I've had them in the steepest part of Highland Bowl and in Chute 44 at the Beav. They hold the mountain, so good. Better than any ski I've been on.

They're my every day ski now. Not only are they beautiful (all the women love 'em), they're beautiful and fun to ski on.

I once said, "fat skis suck". But that was in another life and state of mind. But at the time, fat skis did suck because they were just big fat blobs. But SkiLogik has changed that. The Rave's have a 15m turn radius, they're quick. They carve great. I'm not a big edge angle guy, my lower back is too stiff. But I can get tracks I love on 'em, anywhere all the time.

I also notice I'm not as tired. They have a layer of rubber and a layer of carbon, so they soak up the vibration. It's like having a carbon bike, versus a steel frame.

They've also saved me from falling, so they're safer. I've made mistake whereby on my 78's, which I still love too, I would have gone down. Not on my Rave's. I've been on them a month, only been down once and that was because of severe, user error.

They're a great little company, too. They pay health insurance for their employees and they care about the planet. They're also the best looking ski on the hill -- by far.

I go home less tired, I never fall, I feel great on the steeps. Sure, a narrow ski still has it's place and for that I have my Peak 78's. My 78's are great for skiing with the wife, great when the bumps are stiff, great in soft, chalky snow. They're great skis. I see the Skunk says next years 78 has returned to form. If so, I'll take a look. But I really love my SkiLogik's. Yesterday was stiff in the morning in Temerity at Highlands. Before my Rave's I would have had my 78's. But I had my Rave's and the stiff snow and big bumps...felt great. I would have to work a lot harder on my 78's. Hey man, I'm 51. I want to ski till I'm a 100. I want advantages and the SkiLogik Rave is definitely that.?

I could go on and on. Go try some SkiLogik's, put 'em to the test. You'll be glad you did.

Today is going to be stiff at the Beav, I'm grabbing my Rave's.

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Re: SkiLogik Rave
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2011, 08:54:16 pm »

I had the chance to demo the Rave this past week as well.

I am really looking for a front side, east coast ski, but
was lured into demo'ing the Rave's by their pure beauty.
Jeannie Thoren has a shop in Vail. And sells this ski with her proprietary
design. Edelweiss flowers. BEAUTIFUL!!!

I had noted these skis every time we walked past her shop on the way to the Vail gondola this past ski season.

So I demo'ed both the Power One and the Raves.

Not meant to be compared, but the Power Ones are out of the running. My feet hurt and didn't stop until I

Then I tried the Raves. Im not really in the market for a wider ski, am happy with my Fischer Muangas.
But, the Raves railed!!. Sliced thru crud like nothing. No tip deflection at all. Held beautifully on scratchy, no snow in 4 days, trails.
My feet didn't hurt.
Didn't do bumps with them, but that was because this skier was plain tuckered out. Skied 11 days out of 12. Knees were hurting, legs were fatigued etc.

No fresh powder to try them on, but given how Jim does on his Ullr's, I would imagine these do well in all but the deepest powder (which I have not had the pleasure of skiing, 18-24 inches at Alta was the closest).

Ski Logik is making some mighty fine skis. And as both Jim and SCSA have noted, they treat their employees right.

« Last Edit: November 03, 2011, 08:59:28 am by jim-ratliff »
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Re: SkiLogik Rave
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2011, 11:09:55 pm »
Actually Lynn, I think that what you demoed is the Isis and not the Rave.? Dimensions are the same, but the Isis is the woman's flex.

Kind of hard to tell when the topsheet is independant of the ski.

« Last Edit: March 14, 2011, 09:55:34 am by jim-ratliff »
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Re: SkiLogik Rave
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2011, 09:25:13 am »
Hmm, but J.Thoren said it was the Rave??? ???

I did like it.
Whatever the name.
Though a female pagan god sounds better than a drug fest. ;)
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Re: SkiLogik Rave
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2011, 10:01:19 am »
Ohhh, I didn't hear her say that.?

I was just going by the waist dimensions and the fact that the Ski Logik web site doesn't list the Rave in a 155 and lists all of the Rave lengths (165, 175, 185) with a waist of 92, but does list the Isis in 155 and 165 lengths and the 155 has the 90mm waist.

Pretty sure you demoed a 155 length with 90 waist, but Ski Logik may have done something special for her order.? I imagine that a for stock order for 20+ pair of skis early in the season last year was probably a big deal for Ski Logik (let alone the advertising associated with her name).

I can believe that she originally demoed the Rave, she's certainly skilled enough and probably 40 pounds heavier than you.

« Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 08:13:57 am by jim-ratliff »
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Re: SkiLogik Rave
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2011, 06:46:37 pm »
I did like it.
Whatever the name.
Though a female pagan god sounds better than a drug fest. ;)

Wow, Lynn, are you being seduced by the dark side?

On my I pod I've got Bob Dylans "Isis"......can't get that tune out of my mind!


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Re: SkiLogik Rave
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2011, 08:24:34 pm »

Midwives have been  called many things thru the centuries.
And thought to be to aligned with pagan deities and "witches".
Many of whom were female gods. So "Isis" it is!!! :D

Okay, bit of a stretch, but you know that  Dylan and a drug induced Rave
sound pretty compatible! Mix in Isis and you have......????
 ;D ;D ;D
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Re: SkiLogik Rave
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2011, 12:09:29 pm »

And thought to be to aligned with pagan deities and "witches".

Midwif paid for the privilege of skiing with Satan back in late January.  I'm curious:  was he wearing his red suit?


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Re: SkiLogik Rave
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2011, 01:46:01 pm »
YES!!! ;D ;) ;D

Well done, Todd.
You have the memory of an elephant.

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Re: SkiLogik Rave
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2011, 02:00:59 pm »
Back to the Rave
On Peter's recommendation, I demo'd the Rave the end of January. The first day out was cut up Sierra cement and the skis performed remarkably well in those conditions. I bought a pair on the spot. Next came three weeks in Utah and Colorado under all types of conditions from 15 inches powder to hardpack. I was amazed at how versatile the skis were. They even work quite well in the bumps for me and are a natural for the Clendenin ski method. They have become my everyday ski as well. My Peak 78's are now enjoying a well deserved retirement.


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Re: SkiLogik Rave
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2011, 02:13:46 pm »

Ditto/Amen.  I bought the Ullr's Chariot instead of the Rave because of Peter's review (there's another thread from last fall on that), and I couldn't be happier.

What was amazing to me was the huge increase in Colorado skiers' who now recognized the skis as opposed to early in the season back in December.  I saw several other pair, and one guy had two pair for him and for his wife.  Many more people recognized and asked which Ski Logik I had and how I liked it. 

BTW, as you would expect, there are additional skis in next years line-up including a "narrower" front side ski (sorry, I didn't look to see what the waist width was).  Midwif and I happened to be in Precision Ski in Frisco when they were mounting bindings and prepping the Ski Logik skis for the Denver SIA show.
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Re: SkiLogik Rave
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2011, 04:31:20 pm »
Most of this season's Ski Logik's are good skis, but Mazz isn't sleeping on the job.  He's tweaking the designs and the flex patterns and I feel the skis are much better for next season.  He also has a couple new models that I really liked.

All that said, I ski 50-60 skis each season in my demo routine.  There is a ski I would put above the Ski Logik Rave that is similar, but I feel to be better in many ways.  Check out the Scott Crusade - they're hard to find, but will reward in many ways.  For my use in CO the Crusade is a more stable more poweful feeling ski than the Rave while still behaving in a fairly nimble fashion (179cm has a published 15m radius).

So if you like the Rave then cool, but check out what Scott is doing.  They also have a new ski coming next season called the Venture that I believe will truly impress Western skiers as a great daily driver (96mm underfoot, 16m radius in the 178cm, and with early rise tip).  I felt that the flex pattern of the new Venture is a touch better than the Crusade and it's a lighter feeling ski without giving up too much power.


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Re: SkiLogik Rave
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2011, 09:27:31 am »
Nice to have fresh thougths on the new gear out there! Thanks...


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Re: SkiLogik Rave
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2011, 12:26:50 pm »

New guy here.? For reference, we only ski at Snowbird and Alta as we have timeshares at "the Bird".  I've been skiing Little Cottonwood Canyon for almost 40 years and consider my level to be expert...but not elite.  My wife goes anywhere I do, which is everywhere....just a little slower.

I also bought a pair of Raves for myself and my wife - 175 for me and 165 for her.? I Intentionally bought the *Rave* for her due to the stiffer flex.? We were both coming from older Atomic R:EX skis and are overall very impressed.

The Raves have a little more "tip wander" when tracking straight (and flat) than the R:EX (not surprising considering the difference in turn radius and stiffness), but that's the only mildly negative comment I can make.? In every other way they worked extremely well (and way better than the R:EXs they supplanted) in all conditions up to about 12" of powder.? Not that they couldn't handle deeper powder, but we also have Rossi S7s (well, I have the Super 7 in 188), and those just make deeper pow and cut-up snow smoooother.? The S7s also allow a more neutral skiing position....the Raves require a little more effort to keep the tips up (again, not surprising due to the difference on under-foot width among other factors).

So....back to topic, The Raves work really well for us in their intended purpose - hard-pack to boot-deep snow, and junk.? I was a little dubious about the 15m radius - I was thinking they might be a little "hooky" - but, per Jeb Marsh with Ski Logik, I dulled the tips and tails about 3" back from the tip contact point, and was good-to-go! ;D

Incidentally, the Raves did REALLY well in cut-up pow also.? I LIKE to ski in junk-snow, and they were very, very nice there!


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Re: SkiLogik Rave
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2011, 12:30:24 pm »
Welcome. But you have to tell us where "Swampash" comes from. That's even more intriguing, in it's own way, than Smackboy.

BTW, do you know Peter Keelty since I believe he is Snowbird based.

How did you find this site?
« Last Edit: April 07, 2011, 12:32:20 pm by jim-ratliff »
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