Based on a tip from here, I bought a pair of SkiLogik's. I didn't go for the Ullr, I went for the Rave. Because for me, 92 under foot is more than enough. I figured if I didn't like them, I could always sell them to my young ski friends.
I've skied them about a month now. I just love them. They're great everywhere, and I'm really surprised how well they do in the bumps, my favorite playground. BTW, I follow what the Skunk teaches. I always will, because no one lays out the movements better than the Skunk. But I follow the Skunks movements, not his message. Enough about the Skunk.
Peter said to me that a twin tip wouldn't be any good on steeps. I haven't found that to the case at all. I've had them in the steepest part of Highland Bowl and in Chute 44 at the Beav. They hold the mountain, so good. Better than any ski I've been on.
They're my every day ski now. Not only are they beautiful (all the women love 'em), they're beautiful and fun to ski on.
I once said, "fat skis suck". But that was in another life and state of mind. But at the time, fat skis did suck because they were just big fat blobs. But SkiLogik has changed that. The Rave's have a 15m turn radius, they're quick. They carve great. I'm not a big edge angle guy, my lower back is too stiff. But I can get tracks I love on 'em, anywhere all the time.
I also notice I'm not as tired. They have a layer of rubber and a layer of carbon, so they soak up the vibration. It's like having a carbon bike, versus a steel frame.
They've also saved me from falling, so they're safer. I've made mistake whereby on my 78's, which I still love too, I would have gone down. Not on my Rave's. I've been on them a month, only been down once and that was because of severe, user error.
They're a great little company, too. They pay health insurance for their employees and they care about the planet. They're also the best looking ski on the hill -- by far.
I go home less tired, I never fall, I feel great on the steeps. Sure, a narrow ski still has it's place and for that I have my Peak 78's. My 78's are great for skiing with the wife, great when the bumps are stiff, great in soft, chalky snow. They're great skis. I see the Skunk says next years 78 has returned to form. If so, I'll take a look. But I really love my SkiLogik's. Yesterday was stiff in the morning in Temerity at Highlands. Before my Rave's I would have had my 78's. But I had my Rave's and the stiff snow and big bumps...felt great. I would have to work a lot harder on my 78's. Hey man, I'm 51. I want to ski till I'm a 100. I want advantages and the SkiLogik Rave is definitely that.?
I could go on and on. Go try some SkiLogik's, put 'em to the test. You'll be glad you did.
Today is going to be stiff at the Beav, I'm grabbing my Rave's.